Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

My 2010 Bear


New member
Oct 27, 2010
The opening weekend weather was horrible. Hot/windy/windy/windy. Just nasty hunting weather. Day 3 was beautiful. Cold, crisp and calm. Washington state does not allow bait or dogs so it's either call em in, or spot and stalk. The weather of the third day was perfect for calling. I set up on an old logging road over looking a creek bottom and a clear cut. I called for about 20-25 minutes and out of the bush came this guy. I do a lot of coyote calling but there is nothing and I mean nothing like calling in a blackie. Anyhow he just meandered about working his way up the clearcut trying to come up to the skid trail and downwind me. After a few minutes I was able to close the distance myself a bit and get a steady rest. I Dumped him at approx 250 yards with my Remmy #7 in 260. His belly was completely empty. I've never seen a bear with an empty stomach. My thought is that he just bedded down since the weather was so bad and decided to come and get an easy meal. He was exactly 5' from head to tail. Not sure of the weight. My guess is 170-200. He was an average bear for the area I hunt. But it was an above avergae hunt for sure.


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nice bear hard to get them without bait or dogs a would bet. I hunt in MN and baiting makes the hunt pretty easy I will only bow hunt them because they come in so close, I really love the hunt but is a lot of work.
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