Muley Freak in trouble?

This new Aram von benedikt taking a ladies buck story has some Muley Freak vibes to it but without the known history of being a shithead to remove doubt. UT industry guy? Check. Long range hunting content? Check. Not wearing blaze orange? Check. Making shitty shots at long range? Check. Shooting a buck out from under someone else? Check.

Honestly if his story is 100% accurate, i dont know that I fault him for how he handled it. Beside the shitty 1st shot.
How do you claim a woman doesn't deserve a buck in front of her husband and not get knocked on your ass?
Welp, Erik finally blocked me. His brother has me blocked too. The only account that hasn’t blocked me is muley freak Tyler, but I’m not sure he’s even worth trolling. I’ve really never said anything bad, just asked questions like if it was really one bad fish cop or not.

I really hope people have that video saved somewhere. It’s kind of incredible he would disrespect a game warden/conservation officer like that and then end up pleading guilty. Like that’s an enormous own goal. (Can anyone really explain to me why the thin blue line crowd will get on all fours for police but hate game wardens so passionately?)

Idk…. Like if I had kids and that’s the example I was setting and had them plastered all over my social media, I guess I’d feel pretty fraudulent. But I think I probably have a different personality type than the Muley Cheeks crew.
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Also, why the hell would a ginger name a bino harness a “black and tan”?

Like does he just love that Northern Ireland is a part of the UK? Is he some kind of loyalist?

He really didn’t think that one thru.
This new Aram von benedikt taking a ladies buck story has some Muley Freak vibes to it but without the known history of being a shithead to remove doubt. UT industry guy? Check. Long range hunting content? Check. Not wearing blaze orange? Check. Making shitty shots at long range? Check. Shooting a buck out from under someone else? Check.

Honestly if his story is 100% accurate, i dont know that I fault him too much for how he handled it besides the lousy first shot.. Maybe shoulda given it up even if lady's shot was not going to be fatal anytime soon.
What an incredible story. Rachelle’s husband has more patience than me.
Man the Aram story is almost juicier than the Muley Freak story at this point!
This new Aram von benedikt taking a ladies buck story has some Muley Freak vibes to it but without the known history of being a shithead to remove doubt. UT industry guy? Check. Long range hunting content? Check. Not wearing blaze orange? Check. Making shitty shots at long range? Check. Shooting a buck out from under someone else? Check.

Honestly if his story is 100% accurate, i dont know that I fault him too much for how he handled it besides the lousy first shot.. Maybe shoulda given it up even if lady's shot was not going to be fatal anytime soon.
Is the Von part of the last name? Or is it the middle name? Or is it neither or both?
I think the thing we should be most ashamed at is the size of these bucks people are fighting over, poaching, trespassing. It’s pathetic. Look at the old days thread. Those are some damn bucks. Not these little dinks we hunt nowadays. I have never seen a buck worth the bullchit these people are involved with.
There’s no shortages of douchey folks these days..
Great advertisement for long range "hunting".

I've had similar crap happen more than once in my family. Had a guy do that to my teenage brother on a decent buck. Had a guy do it to me on a 200"+ buck and had another in my family was killed over an elk. This guy's a clown for sure and there's more like him out there.

The "trophies" aren't worth dying over that's for sure.
Wish they had started filming with a phone before tracking that buck either way she hit it and wasn’t given the opportunity to track her animal f that guy
Wish they had started filming with a phone before tracking that buck either way she hit it and wasn’t given the opportunity to track her animal f that guy
I don’t think it matters. In law there is a summary judgment standard of analyzing the facts “in the light most favorable to the non moving party”

This asshats Facebook response did not help his cause.

Long time outfitter vs. a young lady shooting her first buck
Deer clearly indentified and hit by the lady.

Any decent person would be excited for her and politely volunteered to help her track it, take photos exc.

Maybe legally under Utah law he has the better legal argument but in my book he’s a 1st class douche.

I don’t claim to be a good guy or any real guiding ability, but I honestly enjoy seeing someone else have a hunting sucess I’m a part more than my own. I work really hard at my own detriment to put my companions in good situations and really enjoy the guiding aspect as poor of a guide I am. This year I called in a nice bull for my buddy who had never shot one and and gave up two days of hunting to go out and get him before that and another day helping get it to camp and was more thrilled than if I had shot a monster.

I don’t understand this guys thought process. If it’s social media status he shot himself in the foot big time. Think of the views and good will that would of come documenting helping her instead.

I’m not saying there aren’t jerks where I live and hunt but Wyomingites tend to have that attitude of going to great lengths to help each other out because you will be on the other side of it someday if nothing else. I grew up in Utah and am sometimes embarrassed by this fact.

Seeing this guy try to justify his actions is pathetic at best.
I don’t think it matters. In law there is a summary judgment standard of analyzing the facts “in the light most favorable to the non moving party”

This asshats Facebook response did not help his cause.

Long time outfitter vs. a young lady shooting her first buck
Deer clearly indentified and hit by the lady.

Any decent person would be excited for her and politely volunteered to help her track it, take photos exc.

Maybe legally under Utah law he has the better legal argument but in my book he’s a 1st class douche.

I don’t claim to be a good guy or any real guiding ability, but I honestly enjoy seeing someone else have a hunting sucess I’m a part more than my own. I work really hard at my own detriment to put my companions in good situations and really enjoy the guiding aspect as poor of a guide I am. This year I called in a nice bull for my buddy who had never shot one and and gave up two days of hunting to go out and get him before that and another day helping get it to camp and was more thrilled than if I had shot a monster.

I don’t understand this guys thought process. If it’s social media status he shot himself in the foot big time. Think of the views and good will that would of come documenting helping her instead.

I’m not saying there aren’t jerks where I live and hunt but Wyomingites tend to have that attitude of going to great lengths to help each other out because you will be on the other side of it someday if nothing else. I grew up in Utah and am sometimes embarrassed by this fact.

Seeing this guy try to justify his actions is pathetic at best.
When he said the deer he shot didn’t have a collar it would have been game over
I got to give him a little credit. Dude really is persistent in staying in the industry one way or other, instead of slithering away in a hole somewhere. Probably cause he cant hold down any other kind of career, but thats just an assumption.

What did this dork do before he was an insta flu hunter freak stain? Anyone know?
He was a door to door salesman. No kidding. He knocked on my sister's door and tried to sell her something.

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