MT Senator Jon Tester Quietly Taking Money from Anti-gun [Brady] PAC

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Check my post #2 and I do support Tester. Most lifelong resident friends also support Tester over Sheehy.
Why can't the state Republicans come up with viable Montana candidates? Seems like the preference is for uber-wealthy folks who haven't been in Montana for long enough to even know of long standing Montana values.
Tester is a first rate ass-clown, so, it makes sense you’d vote for him. I don’t know the other guy from Adam, and I view former Navy SEALs about the same as I do former Army helicopter pilots, but nobody should be making a career out of politicking.
I am opposed to limiting Representative term limits. Let the people vote the term a Rep stays in office.

Hamilton stated;

Leave it to the people to decide. I've not read enough of the Hoover Commission to know why Republican controlled Congress opted for 10 years max President terms.

I view it the same as the caustic nature of companies who seek a new CEO with bonus to turn a favorable value. The CEO stabs longevity for sake of personal gain then off to other "green pastures".

Same with management staff, private and public sector. Certain minded people void of employee value will present short gained metrics that show improvement for sake of the next step up. Welcome to Corporate design.
How about a trial by combat after each term, If they survive they can hold the office another term?
This is a classic example of not understanding the political process and uninformed voters pulling levers.

Vote against themselves.
The political process is corrupt as shit, what more is there to understand?
When is Randy going to flush this nonsense? What good does arguing about politics provide to an outdoor forum?

I’ve never seen anyone change their mind by all the BS that gets thrown around on these subjects…
I'd argue against closing the conversation, even with some 'far afield' individual input, since the question of Tester vs Sheehy could decide a Senate majority and that majority could be the deciding factor in:

1. Majority rule
2. impeachment(s)
3. 2A Rights/Restrictions
4. Federal land decisions
5. Funding priorities

The two primary parties are polar opposites on some or all of these issues and voters are likely left to decide by what they are exposed to in their own circles of influence. A hunting forum can provide an opportunity for fair ideological exchange that is still relevant to its participants.

Some will find it uncomfortable (our political system wasn't set up for comfort). Some will provide useful information. Others will inject emotion and antagonism.

Everyone should strive for civility and understanding - not everyone will. If this gets too far into the weeds, we all lose. Still, I've found much of these exchanges to be of interest and thought provoking.

PS - Everyone is registered to vote, right? 🤔😮😁👍
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This is a classic example of not understanding the political process and uninformed voters pulling levers.

Vote against themselves.
You say this condescending line often - do you think it convinces anyone?

Youre a smart guy @BuzzH but it is beneath you to make assumptions the way you do sometimes.
You say this condescending line often - do you think it convinces anyone?

Youre a smart guy @BuzzH but it is beneath you to make assumptions the way you do sometimes.
There's a systematic failure of understanding the political process in spite of it being taught in school.

IMO it's each voters civic duty to not only participate in voting, but also to understand how the process works.

If you don't do both of those things, there's only one person to blame, the person in the mirror. Further it's irresponsible.

The information is out there to educate ones self. Maybe instead of worrying about which tag to apply for, what power binoculars to use, obscure ballistics, that many waste hours and hours on, it would be prudent to spend a few hours learning about the political process.

Because people fail to understand the process, as well as the positions the politicians take regarding same, we all suffer the shit show that has become US politics.

I'll try to soften the "mean messaging".
There's a systematic failure of understanding the political process in spite of it being taught in school.

IMO it's each voters civic duty to not only participate in voting, but also to understand how the process works.

If you don't do both of those things, there's only one person to blame, the person in the mirror. Further it's irresponsible.

The information is out there to educate ones self. Maybe instead of worrying about which tag to apply for, what power binoculars to use, obscure ballistics, that many waste hours and hours on, it would be prudent to spend a few hours learning about the political process.

Because people fail to understand the process, as well as the positions the politicians take regarding same, we all suffer the shit show that has become US politics.

I'll try to soften the "mean messaging".
I have no disagreement with what you said (folks who dont understand things as simple as our 3 branches of govt) , and share similar frustration.

Thanks for your expansion.
There's a systematic failure of understanding the political process in spite of it being taught in school.

IMO it's each voters civic duty to not only participate in voting, but also to understand how the process works.

If you don't do both of those things, there's only one person to blame, the person in the mirror. Further it's irresponsible.

The information is out there to educate ones self. Maybe instead of worrying about which tag to apply for, what power binoculars to use, obscure ballistics, that many waste hours and hours on, it would be prudent to spend a few hours learning about the political process.

Because people fail to understand the process, as well as the positions the politicians take regarding same, we all suffer the shit show that has become US politics.

I'll try to soften the "mean messaging".
While you’re wrong about much, I will give you credit for being more than a clueless one issue voter. For example, how many people are here worried about their kids drawing this or that tag, or which tired old “caliber” should I get them question. Or maybe they just vote for whoever might get them access to landlocked public land. Little do they know that soon their kid may be overseas dying for no good reason, after being drafted, thanks to the 2025 NDAA bill. Keep being you Buzz…………
I guess if you had no clue about how much research done by the military and military industrial complex transfers to a better life for all or if you thought national security was merely a plot to send kids "overseas dying for no good reason" ... then you would oppose defense spending and such uninformed rhetoric might seem rational to you.
While you’re wrong about much, I will give you credit for being more than a clueless one issue voter. For example, how many people are here worried about their kids drawing this or that tag, or which tired old “caliber” should I get them question. Or maybe they just vote for whoever might get them access to landlocked public land. Little do they know that soon their kid may be overseas dying for no good reason, after being drafted, thanks to the 2025 NDAA bill. Keep being you Buzz…………
If my math is correct the last draft was about 51 years ago.
There's a systematic failure of understanding the political process in spite of it being taught in school.

IMO it's each voters civic duty to not only participate in voting, but also to understand how the process works.

If you don't do both of those things, there's only one person to blame, the person in the mirror. Further it's irresponsible.

The information is out there to educate ones self. Maybe instead of worrying about which tag to apply for, what power binoculars to use, obscure ballistics, that many waste hours and hours on, it would be prudent to spend a few hours learning about the political process.

Because people fail to understand the process, as well as the positions the politicians take regarding same, we all suffer the shit show that has become US politics.

I'll try to soften the "mean messaging".
I think they are affectionately referred to as useful idiots.
I think Matt Rosendale will become the president before the draft get reinstated.

I see some merit for a couple of reasons at least.

We have asked too much from our enlisted military, certainly since 9/11. We had a neighbor who served as a Marine in both Iraq and Afghanistan. There are many others who have served multiple stints in war zones. He was a good young man, with a great wife and family. He was also struggling with the mental fall out from his service. I hope he is doing well, they moved to Alaska several years ago.

I do think a draft would make foreign excursions that might lead to warfare, a little less likely, if the politicians knew upfront, they might be drafting people very opposed to the war.
I think Matt Rosendale will become the president before the draft get reinstated.

I see some merit for a couple of reasons at least.

We have asked too much from our enlisted military, certainly since 9/11. We had a neighbor who served as a Marine in both Iraq and Afghanistan. There are many others who have served multiple stints in war zones. He was a good young man, with a great wife and family. He was also struggling with the mental fall out from his service. I hope he is doing well, they moved to Alaska several years ago.

I do think a draft would make foreign excursions that might lead to warfare, a little less likely, if the politicians knew upfront, they might be drafting people very opposed to the war.
You're not paying attention then. Historians will probably look back on today and call this WWIII, if there are any historians to look back.
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