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Mt Miller.


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Drop me your # again Via PM or call me When ya see this . You know were to find my # .. It's on Every Bathroom wall
Troy... It's (666)big-stud .... At least thats what he told me it was. I jsut called the Pansey ASS and He's already in bed. I heard the Dog in the BAckground too... I'm no one to start rumors or anything... (HEHE OK, I actually like to start them

He's hunting in the AM while I'm working.. that dog !!!!
Troy, I've hunted with Miller too... I didn't give him that #, he told me that's what it was. I think it's like calling a Left handed guy "RIGHTY"
Stud? I went to school and college with Miller and that's not we call him. He did have a t-shirt that said, "I phuk on the first date". But he spent most of his time at the foosball table at chevy's lounge. I'm not good at foosball, so I spent my time a couple doors down at Jim's tap. Where they served whiskey in beer mugs. At least that's what I vaguely remember.
You guys keep up your chit-chat, I will be busy processing a freshly killed deer.


Oh by the way, don't call tonight either, I will be killing ducks in the morning.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-05-2003 16:15: Message edited by: mtmiller ]</font>
Well.. HE's not back yet... USually by 10AM we're back with a limit... HUNMMMmmm He's really working for that 6 pack of Keystone

I'm guessing he slept in, He made his post last night at 10:22, He's usually in bed by 8PM....
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I'm guessing he slept in, He made his post last night at 10:22, He's usually in bed by 8PM.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well I got up, but felt like sheet. I guess a bottle of wine for dinner wasn't such a smart move.

As for ducks, we had a couple hundred land on top of us as we were throwing out dekes. I was pumped, but that was about all the action we got. I guess we should have blasted them then. I kept thinking if we didn't shoot, they would come back in smaller groups. My bad. I did end up getting two mallard drakes, but that is it. Guess I could have killed a couple of goldeneyes.

So as for the bet, I guess I lose. Checks in the mail.