MT bonus point and lisc question


Active member
Nov 26, 2012
Trying to wrap my head around how MT works and looking for some help. Here's what I "think" I know. If I want a general big game combo license(deer/elk) I apply and based on last year should have no problem getting that. Now if I want bonus points, I still have to buy the big game combo lisc, then put in on a special drawing and if not picked I am awarded a point to use next year, but I still have my gen combo lisc to use. If I want a refund of the combo lisc I can get 80% of it back by indicating that on the app? If this is correct, can someone recommend a unit for elk/deer with as close to 0% chance of getting a tag so I can start earning points.
For sheep/goat, how does that work, do you pretty much put in, have to pay fee for tag upfront, wait to not get pick, get a point?
So if I'm wanting to build up points for deer/elk then there really is no cheap way to do it, even if I turn in the tag it's still going to cost me a couple hundred dollars for the 20% plus the point fee.
Isn't the point of accumulating points so that you can get a permit in 'your' specific area? If so, apply in the area you wish to hunt. Best case you draw this year, worst case you wait a while but every year you have potential.
I was on the bonus point committee that formulated the Montana plan and drafted the legislation that got passed.

The problem with the MT license system, a very strange system, is exactly what you pointed out. At the time of our committee, the legislation drafted allowed NRs to purchase a bonus point for the limited elk and deer permits, even if unsuccessful in the elk/deer general combo license draw.

Not sure if it was written such that you have to apply for the elk/deer combo and be rejected in order to buy a point, or if any NR could buy a point. Sorry my memory fails on that one. It was ten years ago.
Isn't the point of accumulating points so that you can get a permit in 'your' specific area? If so, apply in the area you wish to hunt. Best case you draw this year, worst case you wait a while but every year you have potential.

Because I don't really want a permit for this year, just points, but the way I'm reading it and from looking around online, you have to apply/buy the gen deer/elk combo lisc. Then apply for a limited unit(district), get denied that. Then you get a point. Problem is you still have your general deer/elk tag that you paid $950ish for that you really didn't want to use. You turn that in for an 80% refund. So you're basically paying $200+ish(20% you didn't get refunded + bonus point fee) for a point for the deer/elk combo tag. That's if I'm reading it all right.
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Because I don't really want a permit for this year, just points, but the way I'm reading it and from looking around online, you have to apply/buy the gen deer/elk combo lisc. Then apply for a limited unit(district), get denied that. Then you get a point. Problem is you still have your general deer/elk tag that you paid $950ish for that you really didn't want to use. You turn that in for an 80% refund. So you're basically paying $200+ish(20% you didn't get refunded + bonus point fee) for a point for the deer/elk combo tag. That's if I'm reading it all right.

You pretty well have it lined out.

Except, now if you don't draw your LE elk permit you can turn your elk tag back in and keep the deer combo.

Or, you can do as you said and turn it all in at 80%. In all honesty, I don't know what LE hunts you're looking at that would be worth that kind of cash. Hunt a general unit.
You got it right you can keep the license and hunt a general area or turn the license in and lose 20% of the tag cost. However with the new system if you draw the elk/deer combo you do have the option of returning the elk portion for a refund and keeping the deer tag. I have done both you will loose quite a bit of money turning in tags there. There are better states with better systems if all you wanna do is build points for an LE unit. Most of the good LE units in MT. will take you years to draw if ever.
Thx for the info. Are there any decent area's around the Missouri Breaks that can be easy to draw & have public land? From what I'm seeing it looks like it's a long wait but just making sure I'm not missing anything. From what I can tell regions 1-2-3 are going to be the best chances, but this year will be my first diy hunt(actually 2nd of the year if I get picked in WY) and I know those 3 regions have grizzlies and I'd rather stay away from having to worry about that on my first diy hunt. Maybe a couple years down the road once I get a some hunts under my belt but I figure I'll have enough stuff to worry about my first time out so why add more to it.
I live in Montana and have applied for elk in some of the not so difficult to draw LE units for 13 years. I have yet to draw an elk tag but still manage to find many bulls in general units every year. Though I have drawn an archery breaks tag as a second choice several times.

If you are looking for a rifle breaks tag, yes they are all fairly difficult to draw. The archery tags are somewhat easier to get, but no guarantee for a nonresident.
There are plenty of areas/ranges in those regions that don't have grizzlies, and the places that there are grizzlies its quite rare you'd run into one. Don't let that keep you from coming to hunt.
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