MT B tags...


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
MT FWP now has Elk and Deer B Licenses for drawing.

In one sense, I am happy as it improves my chance at filling my freezer. I am a 1 every three years type hunter - or so it seems. Granted I have withheld shots that others "may" have taken though that is my average.

So, drawings for Elk B License gives me an additional elk tag. Granted antlerless though - regardless I have both my elk general for the bull and a B tag (If successfully drawn).

I am also a bit confused... I would just as gladly make a B tag function in conjunction with my general tag, versus a 2nd elk tag. What I gather from this ELK B License - The cows are in excess numbers? Just bulls are the low numbers? Granted they are for varying districts though to make it an absolute 2nd elk tag seems rather bold...
If this is the case - then I am pretty darn amped.
I don't see elk populations growing over-all. It's those darn low elk objective numbers we have to live by. Enjoy it now, cause one things for sure. When the games gone, the wolf will get the blame.
Good luck getting an extra tag. It will be interesting to look at the draw stats next year because I think the draw odds on both cow tags and premium tags are going to be significantly worse. Now people can put in for both a premium tag and a B tag whereas before you had to choose. Why wouldn't you put in for both?

I'm really disappointed the commission adopted this when over 80% of the public comment (including most FWP biologists) was opposed. I believe this is only going to contribute to the declining trend in elk numbers.
That is what is sooo odd... (confusing as I stated in the initial post) For myself - I think the best option would have been to make a B License - a permit. This would follow along with the past events of consuming the general Elk A tag when a antlerless tag is used...

My personal belief is 1 elk opportunity is good per hunter... 2 is a bit excess, especially considering assuring proper herd numbers... It is interesting to consider - with 2 legit opportunities to kill elk, is this additional kill opportunity going to exceed what wolves will do over the course of a year? - Something to think about...
What really ticks me off is how it affects those people who truly are happy to hunt and shoot cows, such as my father. He's 70 and without a cow tag in his pocket, his chances at harvesting an elk are pretty low. Where he hunts, there is a 40% chance at drawing a cow tag but I don't think that will be the case this year.

I'm all for opportunity but I think this actually decreases opportunity for people like them.
Its a joke for sure...BRI is exactly correct, the odds are going to suck for both cow tags and premium bull tags.

Lots of politics involved in this decision is the word I'm hearing...supposedly the Director made the decision regardless of the public input and what the biologists wanted.
Say hello to 5-20% odds on cow tags.
One area I hunt is an absolute shooting range on opening day of rifle. 400-600 elk just laying out in the open on public land with about two hundred hunters waiting for first light. Last year 40-50 bulls got killed within an hour of first light out of this one herd. They're giving out 250 of these B tags in this unit. That means now these wahoos get to re-chamber a round and shoot the cow standing behind the raghorn they just dropped, not to mention the other cow they'll probably shoot for their 13 year old daughter sitting in the pickup. Awesome.
Randy11, your understanding is beyond your years kid. Most young fellas don't comprehend what you do. This is a good example of why we need younger fellas like yourself working to get the word out to those of your generation.
Well, for sake of the drawing - hope one of my areas are drawn... I have no intent to nab 2 elk... (If I had that great of hunting success) though the opportunity to hunt the area from last year with an ability to take a cow - I may actually get my freezer with tasty cow elk meat! The bulls were not there - though the cows... nothing like a bunch of cows when it is browtine only... Least this way - bull or cow - If it is brown it is down! (less the spike). Of course - I may only see squirrels - Haha!!! Improves my odds, now I just need to be drawn.


I really do not understand all the wolf talk of the damage to our elk herds - yet we enable such additional tags to be provided. FAR LESS - WAY FAR LESS elk will be taken by wolves than this single year of additional cow tags.

Randy - sounds like East Fork...? A place I refuse to visit as a hunter. I would rather hunt my low pressure areas with much less elk opportunity than such pork shootin festivals.
No this is down in region 3. They're only given a handful of cow tags out for the East Fork.

Thanks for the compliment shoots. Listening to thoughts from guys like yourself definitely helps put things in perspective.
Here's one hunter you've convinced already.

I spent a couple hours this morning reviewing all my maps and the new regs book and had initially (and kinda stupidly) filled out the elk B tag, and picked 3 districts as required.

I say 'stupidly' as of course I didnt even come close to shooting one last year (either sex).?:rolleyes:

Still, after reading this thread I just took my pen and struck it thru the elk-B tag area all together; as it seems you guys are right.


I still put in for elk in a couple trophy areas just for fun; since odds are so slim (plus neat part of state I've never hunted in before, + my antelope tag too), but this coming season I'll be happy with any elk of any sex/size; 'and only need one' for freezer anyway.

I guess regardless of what changes like this FWP makes, frustrating as they are; its really up to us as hunters to make the right decisions when they dont.


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