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MT archery mountain goat


New member
Dec 15, 2016

After over 20 years of applying I finally drew a MT goat permit. With the help of a great hunting buddy, we were able to get within range of this billy. Made a great shot and followed it up with a paniced miss and a poor shot only to watch my goat tumble about 300 yards down a brutal rock face. He ended up breaking about a 1/2" off his left side but am still beyond excited to have another archery billy!

Not sure I'll ever be able to repay my buddy for the effort he put in helping me! We hiked over 30+ miles in 2.5 days and the majority was with over 50 lbs on our backs. The pack job of getting goat back to camp was the most difficult thing I've ever done! It was carrying about 80 lbs apiece for 4 miles up about 1400' over the worst deadfall, brush covered crap imaginable! I had to leave my pack with full cape and front shoulders about 3/4 miles from camp and return the next morning because I just physically had reached my limit.

We also cleaned up a mess left by a couple of clowns too. Not only did they have a camp fire in wilderness area when they were prohibited, they also left a pile of garbage for us to pack out, and as if having fire wasn't bad enough, they left without getting their fire completely out so we had to drain our water supply and then bring back more water to get it completely out! Why people think the rules don't apply to them sometimes is beyond me!

All in all it was an amazing adventure, and I hope that I can repay a great friend with the same effort and enthusiasm on a future hunt of his!

Congrats and a job well done with the campfire and trash. Karma points for sure.
Great goat! Pretty awesome accomplishment. How far was your shot?

Props to you and your buddy on the clean up. Hopefully karma rewards you again in the future!
Wow, wow, wow!

Way to go - archery goat is impressive!

Good on you dealing with the garbage and the fire is almost hard to believe as dry as it is.
Congrats on the goat and kudos for cleaning up the mess those other clowns left behind.
First shot was 49 yards angle compensated. Goat was quartering away and entered behind last rib and exited just in front of off side front shoulder. He was done after first shot but I learned hard way on my first archery goat, if they give you another chance to put another arrow in you do it!

Broadheads were 125 grain Ulmer Edge (trophy taker doesn't make anymore due to patent issues), and they've been amazing heads for me for last 4+ years. I've had pass through on goat, deer, antelope, and elk from 25 to 55 yards.
I'm still extremely upset about whole camp fire garbage! My buddy has made it his mission to find out who it was, and get them was a 1 ton power stoke ford, white, personalized plates, and had a valley ford dealer wish I'd taken a picture of plates!
Very Nicely Done. And even more for cleaning up. I'll help you pack out anytime.
Awesome goat and equally awesome ethics for taking care of the garbage and fire. I pick up a ton of garbage in the WMA's that I hunt in MN. It's disappointing that people don't respect the rules and our public land.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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