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MT Archery Elk - My favorite archery hunt, ever!

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This is my favorite archery elk hunt of all time. Never have I worked so hard and been so close. Never have I slept on a mountain on a cold windy September night with only light clothes for warmth. Never have I seen so many huge bulls just off the boundaries of public land. And never have I had an encounter come together at the last minutes of the last evening. Based on ratings when this aired on TV, evidently the audience liked this hunt as much as I do.

Season Four of On Your Own Adventures. Thanks a ton, Troy. If not for you, this hunt would have never come together.


Here is a link to the live hunt as we posted it on Hunt Talk. -

If you want to see more of our old episodes online, please share these links with your hunting friends and ask them to subscribe to our show on CarbonTV. Thanks for watching.
I think this is my all time favorite episode. I think since you first aired an episode about flying in, every year I've thought long and hard about applying for the tag when I am checking out on the FWP website.
Just watched it again, great episode. Just seems like a great hunt. Thanks again for sharing all your hunting exploits with us.
As much as I have enjoyed the tv broadcast of this hunt (and others) I think I have enjoyed the HuntTalk threads even more. Thirty minutes (less the advertising time, promos, and "coming up next week" vignettes) cannot show the breadth of experiences of a five day epic adventure.

I will watch each of these again and again.