Caribou Gear

Mrs. Maria Teresa Simoes-Ferrira Heinz-Kerry


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
An interesting read, whatever your political persuasion...this was just emailed to me, I have yet to look for "back up" regarding its factuality so play nice Gunner ;)

The following is a brief background on Mrs. John Kerry . She hates being called that, by the way:

Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry. Married Senator Kerry in 1995. She only took his name eighteen months ago and she is an
"interesting" paradox of conflicts.

If you thought John Kerry was scary, he doesn't hold a candle to his wife!

Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, was educated in Switzerland and South Africa. Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a "handsome" young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva. He told her his family was "in the food business."

They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his family ran the giant H. J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the US House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate. A Republican, he wrote a burning diatribe against some of the causes backed by young House member John Kerry.)

Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb. The senator, his pilot and copilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons.

Four years later, having inherited Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal then-junior senator from Massachusetts. She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion.

Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a prenuptial agreement before they were married. John Kerry may not
have check writing privileges on the Heinz catsup and pickle fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of it. A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup, mustard, and pickles has fallen into the hands of two people who despise successful entrepreneurship and who believe in the confiscatory redistribution of wealth.

So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money? Just one example: According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of
WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the
Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous antiwar groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark
has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried.

They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice
Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states.

They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas.

They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical
Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico.

These are but a few of the radical groups that benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from the generosity of our
would-be first lady, the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now the wife of the Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United States...
!!! WoW !!!!
What a find, I wonder if this was in the Republican side of the house, how hard the media would be pounding it? ;)
Look at all the simpletons who believe this crap, when posted....

Let's take role on who can't think objectively...
  • Whitedeer</font>
  • ElkCheese</font>
  • TenBeers</font>
  • FairChaseBen</font>
  • TenBeers</font>
Hmmmm.... All people who don't have FM bands on their car radios..... :D

Let's see what Snopes says.....
Claim: Teresa Heinz Kerry donates millions of dollars to fringe political groups through the Tides Foundation.

Status: False. :rolleyes:
Edited to move Marv out of the "simpleton category, and add Whitedeer. :D

[ 07-14-2004, 15:30: Message edited by: ElkGunner ]
Ten Bears.......perhaps the "Gummer" should have scratched deeper?

This practice of "incubation" allows Tides to provide traditional foundations with a unique service. If an existing funder wants to pour money into a specific agenda for which no activist group exists, Tides will start one from scratch. At least 30 of the Tides Center's current "projects" were created out of thin air in response to the needs of one foundation or another.

The Tides Center board of directors has been especially busy of late. In 2001 the first Tides "franchise" office (not counting Tides' presence in Washington and New York) was opened in Pittsburgh.

This new outpost, called the Tides Center of Western Pennsylvania, was erected largely at the urging of Pittsburgh native Teresa Heinz (the widow of Senator John Heinz, the ketchup heir).

Heinz pulls more strings in the foundation world than almost any other old-money socialite; she's presently married to U.S. Senator John Kerry (D-MA).

The Tides Foundation has collaborated on funding projects with the Heinz Endowments (Teresa Heinz's personal domain) for over 10 years.
Sheeesh Gunner :D

Didn't say it was true, didn't say it was false, in fact what I did say was that is was "interesting" and that
I have yet to look for "back up" regarding its factuality so play nice...

Somehow that makes me a "simpleton" who can't "think objectively?" man you get those panties in a bunch in a hurry!

By the radio (AM, FM, and CD) works just fine but thanks for asking! Seems like someone should tune theirs in a bit better and quit listing to the voices in their head
They support the "Barrioto Warriors," a radical
Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico.
So they can turn it into one giant Taco Bell!!!
Hey Whitedeer,
Is there something wrong with the Tides foundation? What does it have to do with this topic?

Hey Marv,
You are no longer a simpleton, you were replaced by Whitedeer.

Now that some more information is available, have you formed an opinion?
Ten Beers,

Good job coloring within the lines on that last face. I am sure your teacher will be very proud of you. Maybe you can cut it out and put it on the fridge....
Yeah, Gummer......I've formed an opinion. It is my opinion that you are a popous ass who is also spoiled as shit. You are definitely the pseudo-man of this forum!
Congratulations Elkgunner ,
I think that covers it , you've now managed to piss-off everyone on this site at least once .
You have achieved the status of pompous , arrogant , annoying , irritating , offensive , pseudo-Michael Moore wannabe !

But don't let it go to your head , to most of us you're just lint on the computer screen .

How bout changing your signature to ;

' I wanna be like Mike '

Quite a few of 'em I have pissed off more than once.... Some of them are pissed every time I post something.... It makes them think, and that is a painful process for many....

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