Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana Spring Bear Hunting

You could consider donating your children to the circus. They would still get to travel around to many activities. You would free up time for hunting. You'd save a lot of money and work less. All problems solved.

haha - I was mostly just joking with Brian, but that is funny
Another trip and zip...... it's gonna have break free soon good Lord! I'll second the donation as long as wife goes too! Haha back at it tomorrow night!
Just got back to the House , it was a great trip with the wife out looking for a bear . Hiked into a new place this afternoon , no sign anywhere. We did bump a Moose that was exciting for a few heart pounding minutes!! I think we both jumped out of our boots . Oh and 13 ticks to add to the list !
We will head out Saturday morning and If I get done early at work tomorrow, maybe sneek in a hunt !!

Our Anniversary is Saturday and she wants to find a Bear !

23 Years and counting !!
Congrats Perch, persistence is deadly you and your wife are more then due. Took 7 outings for me this year to turn one up and last night it finally happend.... turned up 5..... no shooters. I was beginning to wonder if remembered what they look like. Ill be out with my wife Saturday!
Congrats Perch, persistence is deadly you and your wife are more then due. Took 7 outings for me this year to turn one up and last night it finally happend.... turned up 5..... no shooters. I was beginning to wonder if remembered what they look like. Ill be out with my wife Saturday!

Thanks !! We are trying our best to make it happen . I just finished up at work and when I walked through the door my wife asked what do I have planned in the Morning!!
She is ready to roll !!
Congrads on your finds !! It's just heart pounding when you get one in the Binos !!
Well good luck all this weekend !!
I got lucky we hunted hard for 5 days. This was the only bear we seen. Did see a ton of ticks though.

Congratulations, Cullboss. That is a pretty bear. We don’t have a spring season in West Virginia and we don’t seem to have any color phase bears.
The spot I've been focusing on seems to have no bears. Today I saw about 2 dozen antelope, 5 moose, and the elk are uncountable at this point. It's a big riparian area where several creeks converge in a huge meadow. Lots of grass. Big-time spring range for elk, but I haven't seen a bear. I think next weekend I'm going to go higher. The snow isn't coming off the high country as fast as in past years, but I can probably get up into some places I've seen them by next week.
Well persistence played off ! We found 23 piles of Scatt yesterday!! Holy Smokes so excited !!
We tryed yet a new area yesterday and it's Amazing!!
We were driving into a trail to park at the gate and seen a little black bear just eating the grass as fast as he could bite !! He or she took off instantly , but that got us excited.
We grabbed the packs and rifle and hit the trail . We just kept finding more and more Scatt . Some small and some well it was big and a heck of a pile .
We hiked the three different trails that were part of this system . No Bears ...decided to leave that area and start out ride back home ..its now about 6:00 PM. My wife was whipped from all the hiking , we started about 8:40 in the am . We are now about a 1/4 mile above the trails we had hiked and come around a curve and I'm not sure why but I looked behind us towards the left and spotted a very large black spot , yes its moving !
Wife and I jump out of the truck with binos in hand and watch him for about 35 min. I shot him with the range finder twice ...932..934... well just to far for her to shoot and get a clean hit. I had my gun along also and it's set up to shoot steel st 1500 yards but she hasn't shot as anything past 565 yards with her 300 ultra .
So we watched him until he slipped away.

We will be back at that spot this afternoon and try to get in on him !!
Oh ps....
NO TICKS yesterday !!! My wife found some good spray !!

It amazing how hard we have been at it this Spring !!
My wife had Thyroid surgery a while back and lost 50% of her breathing ability so we have to be careful on our hunts.
Wow I'm long winded this morning . Ha ha

Back at it this afternoon !!
Great to follow along. Best to all within the thread !

Perchman, I don't think I've ever run into that many piles in one trek! That is amazing!
Good luck Perchman! Sounds like you're getting closer and closer each time. Hope you connect today.

2 different sets of fresh tracks and 3 new piles of scat found on this morning's hike for me. Lots of elk and moose here too.
Ok it's On!!
Time to go get that Big Bear !!
Changed trucks , going with out Camo , got my cleanest pair of dirty Jean's on !!!
Best of luck to all that's on the Quest for the One !!
Will report back tonight ...good or bad news !
Ok it's On!!
Time to go get that Big Bear !!
Changed trucks , going with out Camo , got my cleanest pair of dirty Jean's on !!!
Best of luck to all that's on the Quest for the One !!
Will report back tonight ...good or bad news !

Good luck—enjoying your posts!
Well it is 12:39 ..guess it would be called Monday . We made it back home with out the Bear ..BUT I'm headed back out in the am my wife hit one tonight but it dropped of the darn two track and went into the thick stuff !! Good blood on the ground and on a few logs .

Im just as tough as the next guy ..but looking for a wounded bear in the thick stuff on my hands and knees is not the Smart thing to do at almost dark .

My Wife is going to the the am with my daughter for a check up . My daughter is 8 months pregnant! Excited Grandpa for sure !!

Back to the Bear it's a smaller one but its Chocolate in Color !! Just what my Wife wants !
We were walking down the two track and were talking about turning around to get back to the truck before dark. She was ready and I said let's just look around this corner , it's new country for us .
I was carrying the rifle and she was looking with the binos ti out left and I just took one more step and seen the bear . I stopped and backed up a few steps and handed her the rifle . She moved up slowly and took a peek . She said no it's to small if you want it go ahead . So I took the gun and she raised her binos ...well as soon as she seen the Chocolate Color she grabbed for the gun !! The rest is still yet to be found in the Morning!!
Thanks all for following us on my Wifes Bear hunt !!
I will have more to tell in the afternoon !!

Good night all it 1:00 am and I'm seeing cross eyed now ..
Well it is 12:39 ..guess it would be called Monday . We made it back home with out the Bear ..BUT I'm headed back out in the am my wife hit one tonight but it dropped of the darn two track and went into the thick stuff !! Good blood on the ground and on a few logs .

Im just as tough as the next guy ..but looking for a wounded bear in the thick stuff on my hands and knees is not the Smart thing to do at almost dark .

My Wife is going to the the am with my daughter for a check up . My daughter is 8 months pregnant! Excited Grandpa for sure !!

Back to the Bear it's a smaller one but its Chocolate in Color !! Just what my Wife wants !
We were walking down the two track and were talking about turning around to get back to the truck before dark. She was ready and I said let's just look around this corner , it's new country for us .
I was carrying the rifle and she was looking with the binos ti out left and I just took one more step and seen the bear . I stopped and backed up a few steps and handed her the rifle . She moved up slowly and took a peek . She said no it's to small if you want it go ahead . So I took the gun and she raised her binos ...well as soon as she seen the Chocolate Color she grabbed for the gun !! The rest is still yet to be found in the Morning!!
Thanks all for following us on my Wifes Bear hunt !!
I will have more to tell in the afternoon !!

Good night all it 1:00 am and I'm seeing cross eyed now ..

Excellent! Excited to hear today's update with pictures!
I'm rooting for you perch! I finally get to head west for the last 5 days of season, can't wait to get to the mountains.
Save a few for me, leaving Iowa in the am and heading out their so I’ll be hunting Wed. Afternoon or Thurs. at the latest 2 weeks of hunting then back to the dreaded W word. Sure wish I could find a job out their and get moved permanently.
Well here it goes ...
Went back to the spot where the blood was and on my hands and knees crawled in the thick stuff until I found a large mess of hair scattered around . I still can't figure that out yet ..what happen that night ? No bear in sight ...Bush knocked down and ground tore up . Hmm we looked around the area for 5 1/2 hrs. Up and down and left and right . No Bear or any more sign . I'm just confused . My wife and I were sure he was laying in there . She is very Sad to say the least . 40 yard shot with a 300 ultra 200 gr.
Never would believe it would be gone ...
Time to think about it all now and what to do next ?
Give up , punch the tag , or try again ?
Thanks for following along.
My warden is pretty awesome. A friend had an elk down. He could not find that eve. I went in early next morning to search and gave the warden a call. While we were searching, he showed up and helped.
There is skill behind his badge. Didn't help that we had stomped all over though he dialed right in and located it w/in 20-30 min.
Work load and priorities dictate their ability and I imagine first name basis on a professional level are factors in our situation though... may be worth a call if simply to share your situation and see what s/he has to say(?).

Always a tough decision. Best to you and yours. On the occasions I've had a bit more challenge finding my deer or elk, I'll take a step back and start fresh.
I'm rooting for you perch! I finally get to head west for the last 5 days of season, can't wait to get to the mountains.

Give it your Best ! They are out and eating the Grass !!
Keep you eye on the gated roads ! They will be your Friend !! Best of luck to you !!
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