Montana. Should I buy a point for elk?


Well-known member
May 31, 2007
Looking for guidance.

Never built points for elk or deer in Montana. They now offer chance to just buy an elk point. I do not hunt much anymore so if build elk points for 5 years in MT then is there a better than 50/50 chance to draw a limited entry elk tag for rifle or muzzleloader with a reasonable chance to bump into a 300 class mature bull? I have a lot of points in several other states and have been on a half dozen elk hunts with some success so not desperate for another place to hunt elk other than a slight burning desire to put a tag on a bull in the state where my in-laws grew up.

My father in law was my age today when we met back in the 1980s. His health was such we never chased elk together but we shot a few doves at my brother's place in Missouri and killed a few bottles of Crown Royal while battling at cribbage.

My in-laws both passed away in the past few years so I will be making a trip back to MT with their ashes to place either in the cemetery in Helena (her family) or Butte (his). Alas, no clear direction on where they wanted to be placed so no hurry to flip a coin.

If I had aMT bull elk tag, I would most likely be hunting within a mile of the trailhead or would need to arrange a non-DIY deal to go in a few miles.

What say ye? Buy a point in the next 100 hours or not? I have several MT bonus sheep, goat and moose points but not likely I draw one of those if I trust statistics.
I suppose it depends entirely upon your desire to hunt a limited entry unit one day. A cursory review of shows there are a handful of units that have decent draw odds for the rifle hunt once you get to 5 points. It would take a bit more digging to see what the public land status is in those units, however.
there is no muzzy season, so if you want to use one, it's during rifle. I'd say save your $ and just hunt an OTC (which is still a draw for a non-res, but close to guaranteed). The way the point system works here, for premier units, 5 points will only get you a touch closer than 1 and 15 points is still low odds. Plenty of good age class bulls taken in the general units every year.
Thanks for the explanation. I think I applied for deer and elk one year, got the general but did not draw a LE tag so did the refund and was $250 or so when the dust settled so was about $125 each LE point. $25 per LE point got my attention. I just was up at GoHunt and even at 5 points only 2 elk units start to be attainable but is still similar to NV where you go years without getting a tag. I am not currently interested in the General season so once I wanted to roll the dice with 5 LE points I would be back to drawing the General tag and turning in for a partial refund if did not draw the LE or going over for the General as a noobie to MT elk. Thanks again.
Points? I've got 10 of them for elk. Gohunt says I had a 95% chance of drawing my special tag last fall and I still didn't do it. Somebody with 0 points probably drew, though.

MT is not the best western state for point banking, not by a long shot.
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