Montana opener

Good luck this morning folks. Sure were lots of pickups, campers and atvs moving around yesterday.
I’ve never seen as many hunters anyplace as I saw on rifle antelope opener last year. There were 12 rigs camped at my normal camping spot when we pulled in. It was absolutely insane.
Good luck all. And I’m in the best meat there is group, drew a doe tag this year and it seems like best of all worlds. No pressure but the prospect of meat!!!
Good luck, I'm heading out on the 20th instead this year hopefully less ppl road hunting with a better shot at getting one right away.
13 antelope bucks, nothing over 13in with decent mass, but seen more then 300 mule deer , great day afiekd and maybe 5 trucks, of hunters,,,,
Had to work the opener, drove 4 hours on Monday and found one group to stalk. Woke up to road soup and whiteout Tuesday. Took 7 hours to get home.

Try again in a couple weeks.
Rifle season brings out the worst hunters. Wish we could skip all the imports we are about to be inundated with. But good luck to everyone I hope for success and a prompt return home.

Not to be a downer, but imports aren’t the problem. The problem are the individuals. I am a Montana Native that is sick of glares because of my Washington plates. I am ethical and safe. Some of the worst hunters I know are Native Montanans. I also know a terrible Washitonian. My brother and I call a certain MT Splash and Dash. I have turned both in for poaching. They both are consumed with competition and ego. They’re wrapped up in the big 🍆 measuring contest. I encourage you to look at people as individuals.
Not to be a downer, but imports aren’t the problem. The problem are the individuals. I am a Montana Native that is sick of glares because of my Washington plates. I am ethical and safe. Some of the worst hunters I know are Native Montanans. I also know a terrible Washitonian. My brother and I call a certain MT Splash and Dash. I have turned both in for poaching. They both are consumed with competition and ego. They’re wrapped up in the big 🍆 measuring contest. I encourage you to look at people as individuals.
I get what you are saying. The individuals that were tearing up blm roads today were Minnesotans. I’ve seen enough to know what I’m looking for. Tough to see people come in and not care about the land for 2-3 months out of the year even if they are locals. And don’t worry Montana 6 plates are a small step above Washington plates for glares.
I get what you are saying. The individuals that were tearing up blm roads today were Minnesotans. I’ve seen enough to know what I’m looking for. Tough to see people come in and not care about the land for 2-3 months out of the year even if they are locals. And don’t worry Montana 6 plates are a small step above Washington plates for glares.
There are roads on the Custer that when I was young were hard to find because they grassed over every summer. Now they are six tracks of ruts.
Tagged out yesterday morning was done hunting in less then an hour. Found a group the night before while scouting went back the next morning and they were sitting on a private section between 2 chunks of block mgmt land, i decided to sit on the fence line and waited for them to cross, only took about 5 min and the group crossed and he was down. Spent the rest of the day cruising the unit, saw 1 other group of 20+ all does other then that a couple groups of 2-3 all on private, really surprised the lack of antelope.
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