Kenetrek Boots

Mom, gone but not forgotten

Important reminder for all of us. I’m sorry man. I’ll be thinking about you and your family.
I lost my mom 6 years ago. The pain and sadness will fade with time, the memory's will not. Best of luck to you on the rest of your journey.
A miracle of modern medicine (kidney) and sounds like she was a great lady. It was nice of you to reference the kidney donor.

One other note to that. She was allowed to write an anonymous letter to the transplant clinic that forwarded it to the family. Then they could choose to respond or not. They elected not to respond and I certainly respect that. We have always assumed it was a young person. That night in Charlottesville there was two kidney transplants and a lung transplant. I'm not sure if there were others as well. I believe things like that to be miracles despite being at human hands. I've thought a lot about them over the last few days. I can't possibly express my gratitude to that family.

Also, thanks to all responding to this thread. I may never meet any of you but kind thoughts and prayers mean a great deal.
So sorry for your loss. May God provide you and your family the strength and courage that you need to get through this tough time.
Very sorry for your loss. I have had a kidney transplant myself and know first hand how blessed that time is. Glad to hear she made the most of it.
Sorry to hear about your Mom passing, but glad you spent time with her, and really glad that the kidney donation extended her life. My Mom passed in Alaska in December 2013. I still talk aloud to her often, and I take some of her ashes on my remote Alaska hunts each fall.
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