Kenetrek Boots

MEATHEAD - Here ya go


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Martin, TCHunter and myself headed into a new area today, not very far from where we normally hunt. The area was chock full of elk tracks. Saw lots of bear tracks on the trail also, both black bear and grizzly bear tracks. Had to put a lot of faith in my horse for his instincts when we saw the griz tracks because it was so thick you couldn't see one unless it stood up in front of you. Anyway, here are a few pictures of where we went that you and everyone else might enjoy.





Very cool Bill!! As usual I'm extremely jealous that you get to live in such an awesome part of the country with awesome scenery so close.
The friggin elk tracks were everywhere. From where we camp for elk this would be about an hour and fifteen minute ride on horse. I am going to look for a bell to put ontthe horse for the ride in during the darkness of morning. Seeing the griz tracks, which were friggin huge, really makes a part of the body tighten right up. All you need to do is come on up here TK. You are always welcome.
A bell,,, is that so you'll know which pile of bear crap has your horse in it, Bill?

" has bear bells in it and smells like pepper....that's two ways you'll know it's grizzly bear crap and not black bear crap...." Mr. Ranger, Yellowstone Park.

LOL Dan. We were talking about that after we got through there. We would not have time to get the handgun out or the pepper spray if one was around. It made the hair on our necks stand up so I am not looking forward to doing that trail in the dark.
What you need to do if you want to go on that trail in the dark is to send some dumb 16 year old in at the front of the pack so if anyone gets eaten, it's him.
These were all taken from the same spot. It looked like some very promissing country. We went another mile or so past there and pretty much ran out of time so turned around and headed out. From where we will be camped it is an hour and a half on horse.
That looks like a great area...
I sure hope you all do well in it...
Yep, you could rub a little raw meat on the 16 year old and send him out ahead to scout!!!