Caribou Gear

ME & VT Moose

Don't forget New Hampshire.Their applications are suppose to up starting mid Jan.I'll be donating to all 3 again this year.Hopefully, I can draw before I have to do the hunt out of a wheelchair
Oooh, you just made Big Fin's "bad" list. ;)

And I thought these three states were my sleepers for a non-guided Canada Moose hunt. Hmmmm. I think it was only a secret west of the Big River. Guys in the NE already knew about it.
One of these states requires you to get the moose out whole right?
That'd be the one I'd leave off my list.
Good thing about Maine, you can buy as many chances as you can afford.I'll be buying 30 again this year.Odds are still real bad.ALOT of guys in the NE apply for these tags.Vermont and New Hampshire are more of a secret with much better draw odds.I'll still be in shock the day I draw; if ever