McCain is right about this!

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
Sen. McCain: Bar Russia from G8 Over Iran Deal

The United States should seek to bar Russia from this year's major-nation summit to protest actions by Moscow including its deal Sunday to provide Iran (news - web sites) nuclear fuel, a leading Republican senator said.

"This latest step of the Russians vis-a-vis the Iranians calls for sterner measures to be taken between ourselves and Russia. It has got to, at some point, begin to harm our relations," Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record) of Arizona said on "Fox News Sunday." ......................................................................

Iran, rich in oil but struggling to provide power for a growing population, denies it is developing nuclear arms and says its program is solely for generating electricity. BS!!!!!......................................................................
Iran is no doubt on the brink of having a nuclear weapon...

Iraq has a pyrex mixing bowl, a pair of rubber gloves, and a spatula...

GW says, Lets get rid of those weapons of mass destruction in the middle east...

Glad to know that Iraq currently is without their pyrex bowl, rubber gloves and spatula...I feel so much better about WMD's now...
Is he? That's up for debate...

Please, as I believe cooler heads need to prevail, especially since the Iraq experience, but that’s another problem, right! We shouldn’t be hasty, facing this situation, making, or encouraging animosity with foreign countries, yes, Russia is weaker, but they are still a formable foe! Shouldn’t we be tolerant, at least as long as we waited before acting upon Iraq, to issue ultimatums! The doctrine of peace thru strength is still viable today, however, being a brute isn’t, for which we the USA will be expected to pony up. To rectify, our actions, in Iraq, and if we continue Russia, North Korea, Iran, and China, if we’re not careful, we maybe drawn into the India/Pakistan problem too, which we so far we’ve skirted!

Iraq had no WMD's, so we sent in the Army....

N. Korea and Iran have WMD's, so we send in Condi....
YRH- So you're saying if there is a threat of WMDs we send in an army but when we know they have WMDs we send in diplomats?

or are you saying that Condi is more potent than our army?
Let's see Buzz,

We have troops in Afganistan and Iraq. What country is in between those two? Iran, and they do not have WMD's yet and will not get a nuke one way or another. And we are right next to the equally dangerous Syria (who had trucks going into it from Iraq loaded with who knows what) as well. Jeez, Syria just turned over Saddams half brother for some reason. Why was that Buzz?

Nice list of wmd's.

Apparently you havent read the papers, read this article or turned on the news lately? What is that stuff Russia has agreed to sell to Iran????

Let me tell isnt play-dough.
Pretty quick then, we will be poised to move thru Iran and change it's political climate, I am guessing that it would give us the reason needed to start sending missiles and troops thru that country next...

Iran will not build a nuke. If they proceed they will get spanked. Isreal will do it if no other chicken shit European country steps up to the task. Iran gets a nuke and Isreal is gone. Simple as that. Isreal will only be defending itself. Putin had better rethink his lastest brain fart or his outcome may not be to good either.
BHR- If you notice, we can beat up on a country that doesn't have nuclear weapons but think about it. If they already had them, what could we really do about it? Try to invade and conquer? Logically, that's how I knew Iraq had no WMDs.
"...Logically, that's how I knew Iraq had no WMDs"

Dubya should have just asked you, would have saved a lot of money, lives, and the world would be at peace.
Greenhorn- Bush already knew. Do you think he was there to disarm Iraq from having WMDs?
Glad too see John McCain had time to think about more important things then Baseball players on steroids,and his proposal of a national boxing commission [they guy is a joke] hump But yes he might be right about Iran.

Matt "YOU" knew there were "NO" WMD`s in Iraq? I doubt you and Buzz could even find Iraq on a map. hump
cjcj- I would take your bet and you would lose. Although, I would bet double or nothing that more people in the United States worry more about baseball and the steroid issue (and it hits the news more) than worry about illegal immigration like you and your border boyscout troup do. Tell me which has more media attention, which effects more people (citizens) in the United States and which people care more about.
wasnt sadams gold plated ak-47 a WMD??..LMFAO


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MattK said:
cjcj- I would take your bet and you would lose. Although, I would bet double or nothing that more people in the United States worry more about baseball and the steroid issue (and it hits the news more) than worry about illegal immigration like you and your border boyscout troup do. Tell me which has more media attention, which effects more people (citizens) in the United States and which people care more about.

Matt your living proof..that education from booklearning [instead of life] is "substandard" in teaching one how to be smart. You really "think" that more people worry about steroids in baseball...than illegal immigration? just because its in the news? YOU REALLY THINK THAT?

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