Caribou Gear

McCain is right about this!

cjcj- Does the fact that McCain speaks more about steroid use than illegal immigration in a state that is in the front lines, tell you anything about what he feels will win him more votes? That alone tells me what people in Arizona think more about. Right or Wrong that's just the way it is. There are more people who can name and recognize Derek Jeter than the Secretary of State. What does that tell you?
good find sageghost thats pretty neat iraque do stink but now that i know some helpi the americans it funny what can bring best out of the worst except terrist wont change hell their the prob i dont think u could have bigger problem :D
cjcj said:
Name your bet Matthew....but at least make it worth my while.

Yep Matt i knew you would "AVOID" the bet and the question....Now you at least know why McCain is a worthless puke and a grandstander... keep watching here at hunttalk... your getting a better education than you got at that liberal arts school. hump :D |oo
cjcj- Is the question, do I believe people think about baseball more than illegal immigration. YES! Do I think steroids are a bigger problem or more important than illegal immigration..NO! Does the average american worry about baseball more than illegal immigration, YES! Your border buddies think about illegal immigration a lot. Great, But the average person puts very little thought into any type of immigration. Ask the average person to name the 10 secretary of states (past and present) and then ask them to name 20 Yankees (past or present). Which do you think will be answered? What do people think about more?
Matt go back and THINK... YOU said WORRY ABOUT!...Geez...i`m gona start charging you...tutor time #150.00 an hour.
cjcj- THINK...I was watching American Idol last night and there were more people who watched American Idol than voted in the last Presidential Election. It's a very sad fact, but tell me what people worry more about....
cjcj- 1) Did you vote for GWB or someone else? If you did vote for Bush or McCain you are not as convicted or care as much about illegal immigration as you claim. If I really cared about an issue, I could not vote for someone who does not have the same conviction I do on the issue. It's obvious (even taking the lesser of two evils) that you were able to muster the ability to go against your convictions....How much do people really care about illegal immigration...enough to vote in a third canidate to stop illegal immigration...obviously not!
History will show that Iraq's WMD's were moved to Syria with the help of the French.

If you recall we rattled our effing saber about the impending invasion for 8 months. The weapons are most likely buried somewhere in the Abeccah Valley near the Lebanese border.

Iran is goin down.

Under no circumstances "misunderestimate" Russia--Putin is a Commie from way back.
Matt go back and look at your ask me a question,then you answer it,then you elaborate on it [for yourself]ASSuming who i voted for W.T.F. is that?.... but the "real" funny part is you say i`m not as against illegal immigration as i claim..or i go against my conviction[you talking in 3rd person]Are you taking L.S.D? hump :D ...Keep watching American Idol,i`m sure you will learn alot about world events from that show.

Damn Matt are you for real...Now think and close your eyes...What makes you think i would have voted for McCain? I can`t stand the rat... are you not listening? I didn`t vote for Bush, but i felt and still do that Scary Kerry was a bleeding liberal....I wrote in Tom Tancredo [rep. Colorado] as my protest vote. Im glad GW Bush won over the phoney ass Kerry..I will write in Tancredo again if it comes down to Hillary rotten Clinton or Johnny "steroids" McCain.

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