Lunch with a Moutain Lion


Aug 11, 2011
Helena, Montana
My son-in-law, Steve and I went out elk hunting in November, 1999. We separated during the morning agreeing to meet back at the truck at dark. Steve worked his way thru a timbered bench to an edge that dropped off and openned up enough to glass some decent country. There he stopped for lunch (point of the yellow "V" in the first picture). Finishing up his sandwich he began to glass the country in front of him. He was distracted by the sound of a grouse taking off not far behind him. When Steve turned around there was a large Mountain Lion looking at him from only 30-feet away. Steve had his rifle there next to him but instead of picking it up, like I would!, he carefully reached into his day pack for his camera. The cat didn't act aggressive. However it circled Steve, staying about 25 to 30-feet away. Steve took several pictures. The one posted below was by far the best. Finally the Mountain Lion left and Steve is still my son-in-law.

Some years I buy a lion tag in case I see one deer/elk hunting. One year archery hunting I had a mountain lion do about the same thing you described, but that year I saved a few $ by not buying a lion tag.:confused: Maybe someday opportunity and tag will happen in the same year ......... I hope.
Wow! Not many people can say they ever saw a cougar let alone snap a photo. Awesome encounter. That was even before digital. Thanks for sharing.
Great story Mike.
My brother and I were hunting the Bridger range here in Montana and had split up with one of us walking one side of a ridge and another on the other side. When we finally met up my brother told me what had happened on his side. The ridge was rocky and had old Douglas Fir trees scattered on the ground. He said as he was working through the blowdown and rocks he saw a "ball of fur" rolling down hill along one of these downed logs in front of him. He stopped and made a closer look when all of a sudden he hears a blood chilling scream. The "ball of fur" now comes apart and it is 2 kittens that were wrestling and rolling down the hill. He quickly looks uphill to where the scream came from and sees mama lion. The kittens looked up at her and took off back to her and they all left. Needless to say he looked like he'd seen a ghost. I often think of that when I'm up in that country.
More cougar tales (tails?)

Big Mike-
I was also stalked by a mountain lion while bow hunting quite a few years back. I may have told you the story. The young cat came in to my elk cow calls and was belly crawling on me from behind a low ridge when I spotted him at 10 yds. I drew my bow as he got up and came in even closer. He acted confused and eventually turned and walked away. I did not feel threatened, but felt thankful for the close up encounter. I followed him until he disappeared into the undergrowth, not thinking about my camera until he was gone.

In 2008, while mule deer hunting, I spotted a weathered pocket camera lying in the pine needles near a big Doug fir. I tried to turn it on but the batteries were dead. I replaced the double A's from my pack and was startled to find this last picture on the camera from one year prior! I had fun back at camp that night, first telling my friends that I felt I was being watched and looked up to see this guy which I then photographed. Later I fessed up that I found the camera -- right next to a pile of bleached human remains!

I advertised the lost camera in the local newspaper lost and found section for several weeks and, while I got a number of replies (we hunters lose stuff all the time), none of the camera descriptions or locations matched.

Fun stuff!



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My son-in-law, Steve and I went out elk hunting in November, 1999. We separated during the morning agreeing to meet back at the truck at dark. Steve worked his way thru a timbered bench to an edge that dropped off and openned up enough to glass some decent country. There he stopped for lunch (point of the yellow "V" in the first picture). Finishing up his sandwich he began to glass the country in front of him. He was distracted by the sound of a grouse taking off not far behind him. When Steve turned around there was a large Mountain Lion looking at him from only 30-feet away. Steve had his rifle there next to him but instead of picking it up, like I would!, he carefully reached into his day pack for his camera. The cat didn't act aggressive. However it circled Steve, staying about 25 to 30-feet away. Steve took several pictures. The one posted below was by far the best. Finally the Mountain Lion left and Steve is still my son-in-law.
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Cool stuff, Mike!

That looks like a dang good sized lion too.

And that country looks familiar. :)
I had the same thing happen to me while bow hunting in the Grand Mesa three years ago. Unfortunately, I grabbed my bear spray instead of my camera. I never felt threatened until I could no longer see the cat. That was the longest 1500 vertical foot climb in a mile I have ever is a memory I will cherish forever....

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