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Louisiana Double - Venison and Pork


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2017
One week after primitive season I made the trip back to North Louisiana for rifle weekend with a few buddies. Over all we did very well. Between 3 of us we killed a pig, spike, nice 8pt and 2 does.

My Saturday morning was eventful. Not that I saw a lot of game other than a pig while walking in the dark, but I have never ran into so many people while hunting. After my morning sit and trying to slip hunt, I decided to go to another area and stay out of other people’s way.
Lesson learned:if hunting a somewhat landlocked piece of public on the busiest day of the year there will be enough pressure coming from private access to make you want to stay closer to public.

Although I have to say sometimes pressure can be great. My buddy that killed the 8pt was going back to his truck when he bumped a spike which was killed by a near by hunter. They then helped each other get the deer out of the woods.

Sunday was my highlight. While walking in the dark I again walked into pigs. Most were too concerned with feeding and others getting after a hot sow to pay much attention to me. As much as I wanted to kill the hot sow and the rest of them, you’re legally only allowed to do so during daylight hours on public. I reluctantly gave them a free pass and took a video. Not sure of the quality but I’ll try posting.

I made it to my morning spot shortly before daylight and waited for the grey light to sink in. Then moved to where I had a good view of the area and had a good log to sit on and a tree for a back rest. It didn’t take long before I caught movement of a deer. When it walked through the next hole I stopped it and took the shot. After the shot saw and heard nothing. I decided to wait until the gitters were over before getting up to check. About a minute goes by when I see a black pig run through the same hole I just shot. It was running towards me along the bayou. When it stopped I took and shot anddddd CLICK. After shooting the deer I don’t know if the gun didn’t catch the next shell or I unconsciously pressed the next shell down when closing the bolt because nothing was running.

When chambering a round for the pig it jumped out of sight in the bayou to the other side. In hind sight I have no idea when I didn’t try to pursue it while it was swimming. With the excitement over I checked the deer and found him laying where I had shot it. I much prefer to kill a deer in the morning as there is more time to appreciate it and reflect. During that time I decided that while packing him out I would still try to make a loop to kill a pig. There’s a lot more pigs than deer and I’d rather deer get fat off acorns that will soon be dropping.

While quartering the deer I kept hearing a little noise behind me, but wrote it off as a squirrel on the ground. At one point I decided to move my rifle closer just in case of a pig. Sure enough shortly after I hear the grunts. Turn around and there’s a group of pigs feeding slowly coming closer at 30yds. I crawled to the tree my gun was leaning against and slowly raised up on my knees. I first noticed one pig hump another then the colors and sizes and looked similar. It was the same group of pigs I had walked up on in the dark. As soon as the hot sow turned broadside there was one less pig in the woods.

I’m sure you elk and moose hunting guys have had worse but this deer and pig pack out was the heaviest I’ve had so far. There wasn’t a log close by to first set my pack on and then stand up. So I managed to get it on while kneeling. Strap in the waist belt on all 4s. Crawled to a tree then walked myself up all the while hoping nobody was nearby watching how helpless I looked. I don’t know if it was the most efficient way but it work the two times I had to do it that day. The .75 mile walk back to the pirogue surprisingly wasn’t as bad as I expected.

All in all another great public land hunting experience and another trip packing out meat in my pirogue.



Congrats on making the world a better place! Or as a friend says, every time you shoot a pig an angel gets it wings! These pigs get downright stupid at night. We kill them all the time during the legal part of the year after dark our bows. No need for stealth, just walk up into range and turn the light on. As long as there are several there I think they just assume the noise your making is another Pig in the group. I was walking out of the woods Saturday after dark and ended up directly in the middle of a sounder, some pigs were as close as 15 feet. One of them smelled me and gave the alarm is the only thing that made them move on.
Congrats on making the world a better place! Or as a friend says, every time you shoot a pig an angel gets it wings! These pigs get downright stupid at night. We kill them all the time during the legal part of the year after dark our bows. No need for stealth, just walk up into range and turn the light on. As long as there are several there I think they just assume the noise your making is another Pig in the group. I was walking out of the woods Saturday after dark and ended up directly in the middle of a sounder, some pigs were as close as 15 feet. One of them smelled me and gave the alarm is the only thing that made them move on.

Lately we’ve been killing a bunch of pigs around the house and this is the 4th I’ve killed on public this season. Should’ve killed about 4 more of them and have seen tons of others. When in discussion people often ask if they’re dumb. I still don’t think. I’ve seen deer act the same way at night as the pigs did. But think when rooting their actions is such a disturbance that they’re not aware of their surroundings and while bedded they have a smaller jump and run bubble than deer.

But man they will key on the wind just as fast as a deer. Even though they didn’t care about me in the dark I was nervous they would bust me during the day. Too many stalks have been blown and ended with that alarm when the wind swirled and hit the back of my neck.
I personally think their nose is better than a deer. Most people will argue that but you know where I’m coming from. Agreed on the fact of how sharp they are in the daylight. I still kill more of them stalking through thickets with the wind in my face than any other way. Im running behind you, I’ve only arrowed 2 this season so far. Most ppl have a different perspective of them because of the feeder conditioned pigs on TV. Truly wild pigs are definitely not pushovers.
As for the meat I shamefully admit that the pig is better table fare than the deer. But I respect it less than the deer and already have plenty of it in my freezers. Front quarters were given to some guys camping with us that didn't kill anything.
My uncle gave me his rifle when I graduated high school. On the trip down I pass his house and gave him choice of what he wanted and he took a deer back strap.
I cut the shanks off the pig back quarters and gave the bone in roasts to my grandma for Sunday lunches. I was gone hunting the last time she cooked one, but everybody loved it.
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