Looking for Double Tree Stand


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Anyone in the Bozeman area or near vicinity have a double tree stand they find they aren't using much??

I have a good buddy here that is looking for one to take his kids out deer hunting this fall. None of the local stores have any in stock so thought I would throw an inquiry out to the hunt talk crowd.

Can't help with the procurement, but I will give a bit of advice. Get one with a sling seat! Much, much more comfortable and therefore the kiddo's fidget less. Mine's a Big Game Partner Pro. I plan on adding a couple more to our place in the next couple of years. I also like that the platform on the one I have is larger than most.
Just another thought; don't spend the money for one of the blinds to go around them. I did and while it works, I think I could make something that'd work for much, much cheaper. A roll of camo burlap and some zipties would be easy enough, I think it'd work as well, and be much cheaper.