Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Looking for a spotting scope


New member
Mar 14, 2018
I’m hoping to draw my tag in a general Utah mule deer unit. I’ve never had a spotting scope, let alone look through one. What would be a good magnification range? I’m leaning towards a scope with no more than 65mm objective. I’m planning on doing a lot of hiking too, so I don’t want a heavy scope either.
With the few items I need for this hunting trip, I don’t want to skimp on a spotting scope. The Vortex warranty can’t be beat, and I can get a pretty good deal on them as well. I’m looking at the Razor HD 11-33x50. Does this little spotting scope have enough power, or will I start to regret the performance? Also, what is the benefits of having a straight vs angled scope?
I can't speak toward the razor HD, but 11-33 should have you pretty well covered. Anything more than that as far as magnification goes gets pretty washed out. As far as an angled vs. straight, the angled is a much more comfortable viewing angle, especially while sitting. The straight will let you acquire targets more quickly, especially if you're not used to finding game in a spotting scope. Angled often takes up a bit more room in the pack. Angled also is not as good for sharing a scope with someone who is a different height than you are.
I had a small one like that and found it to be more of a pain in the but than what it’s worth. I ended up selling after that season. I used my binoculars way more and after the first few hikes the spotter stayed in the truck. If your going to get a spotter spend the money and get the best 60-65mm you can. You will see why when your using it first thing in the morning and can actually see verses a blurred object.
You cant go wrong with Vortex optics. I use them a lot and love them. I would suggest getting the most power you can afford. Good luck to you on your search.
Do your research. Don't get stuck on the "warranty". When I was looking for a spotter, I spent hours reading specs and reviews. Go to birder forums. Lots of info there. mtmuley
I agree with mtmuley and Id get at least a 65mm. The 50mm is hardly better than binos. It's not just the mangnification, it's also the light gathering.

Vortex Viper is the lowest class of spotter I'd go. You need something that isn't crap. There are probably better options out there in quality besides Vortex but I the Viper is pretty good and there's the warranty. Have fun researching.

Oh, and I like angled much better. No problem with target acquisition and much easier to look around.
Check eBay and rokslide often for spotting scopes for sale. You can save a ton if buying used, if you're patient enough you may even end up with a used swaro for the price of a new vortex.
You are not going to go wrong with a Vortex but I would go with something a little higher powered but that is just personal preference. I find that an angle spotter is much more convenient when using a phone scope or other similar devices for filming through your spotter. Depending on your height the angled spotter does not require as tall of a tripod if you are standing and glassing.
I would go with a 65mm spotter. 50mm spotters are better for carrying, but you always want more power than they can deliver in the field.

The Vortex Razor is a good product for the money. There are other options out there too. It all depends on your budget.
I have the Vortex Razor HD 22-48x65 and I am pretty happy with it and it fits in my day pack fairly well with a tri pod, no problem. If I had to do it again, I think I'd probably go with Maven instead of Vortex
I agree with a few of the comments above about the 50mm being under powered. I had one for one season and sold it. If you are just trying to locate game and determine if it's a buck or doe out to a few miles, 10x42's on a tripod works great. If you want to judge trophy potential, step it up to a 65mm spotter.

Regarding the brand, Vortex spotters are decent for the price, but don't be fooled into thinking they are the only brand that has a good warranty. Many of the higher end optics brands have the same warranty, you just don't hear about it because their products don't need to be repaired as frequently.
I don’t know your price point but a Swaro ATS 65s can be found used for around $1,600.
I wouldn't go any cheaper than Vortex Viper class for sufficient quality to be useable. There are other good brands in that price range. 65mm is a good choice. I agree that 50mm are usually not enough glass. A few guys don't care about weight and go for an 80mm. I think that's more if you're real picky.
I will go a different direction from most here. I have used a Nikon ED50 for a number of years and have been pretty happy. Last year I was able to pick up a Leupold Gold Ring 65mm, because I was sure I needed the added magnification. I figured I would fall in love with the 65mm and quickly sell the 50mm, but that wasn't the case. Depedning on the situation I will bounce back and forth between the two. It all depends on the area you will hunt and what you have for binos. I use a pair of Leupold switch powers 10/17x42 (for the life of me I can not figure out why these are/were not more popular) and I still have found the 50mm to be VERY useful.

I would echo what others have said about going mid-tier of better. I have used a number of spotters over the years and the cheaper ones work but the glass quality is pretty poor and you will find that you just don't like to pull it out of your pack. You can get some great bang for your buck in the mid-tier range and there always seems to be a good market for them on either craigslist or ebay. You mentioned that you hope to pick up a Utah general tag, if you are in Utah then I highly recommend also checking KSL.com. I have found some amazing deals there before moving.

Finally, spotters can be a little funny if you haven't used one much. The first couple of years after buying mine, I still relied a lot on my binos and it spotter stayed in my pack more than I would like to admit. Perhaps it is the terrain that I am hunting, but I spend more and more time behind mine these days. Point is, don't feel like you wasted money if you don't use it a ton of the first year or two. Sometimes it only takes one situation for it to pay off. A couple of years ago I shot the deer of my life and through my binos he didnt look that big because he wasn't very tall, but one I pulled out my 50mm spotter to double check I about fell over. It was really wide (35"), heavy down low and had trash every where (6x8).
Vortex and zen ray scopes (especially the Ed and hd glass models) seem to give you a lot of bang for your buck. I bought the little vortex razor hd 11-33x scope they came out with this year for my deeper hikes. It's a cool little scope.
Angled vs Straight. I went angled. I guess I did so because I feel like its easier on the neck when looking through it prone (like if I'm shooting at the range) or looking uphill.

Also seems to me that you don't have to be directly behind an angled if you are wanting to look at something at the edges of your "natural point of aim". I use my binos on an adapter attached to the top of my tripod a lot and seem to have to reposition my tripod a lot to see the edges of my NPOA.

65mm Razor HD angled......a great compromise in my opinion between weight, price, magnification, etc............a satisfied Vortex customer here.
I am currently waiting on a Viper HD 15-45x65 spotter. All I have ever used is straight (range use mostly) which has seemed to work fine, this one will also be used for WY Antelope this year (I hope), from the truck window as well as in the pack. For those reasons I decided to stick with a straight scope...but continue to second guess myself. We'll see.

Between my kids and I, we have numerous pieces of Vortex glass, and while I know it does not get the hardcore use some of you dish out, they have performed great with no issues for us. So yeah...count me in as a satisfied Vortex customer. Have yet to need the warranty, but nice to know its there.
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