Yeti GOBOX Collection

Long Range Shooting Classes


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2020
Has anyone had any luck with a great long range shooting class?

Just in case anyone is gonna get triggered on long range (pun intended), I actually prefer to take shots as close as possible. But I do believe that training at 700-800 yards will make 400-500 a chip shot, and IMO a more ethical shot if required.

Frankly, when hunting elk, i'd prefer that it uses its own 4 legs to walk closer to me vs having to walk a long ways to get him.
For what a class costs - join a range that has steel targets and practice. Lots of good free advice and knowledge in todays world
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Where are you located? Classes aren't cheap, but good ones are absolutely worth it. I would suggest one that is either PRS or hunter-focused, or at the least a 'tactical' precision rifle class vs a true long-range class if you already have the basics down. You'll still bang steel at distance, but it will involve much more work from improvised/hasty shooting positions that you're more likely to encounter vs laying prone with a front rest & rear bag.

If performance on demand is your goal, find someone to learn from that made performance on demand their life.