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Long Lost Deer Pic


New member
May 9, 2003
Queen Creek, AZ
I lived in Maine before I moved to AZ. Did a lot of hunting, back in those days. I got this pretty good buck in 1993, but only my buddy took a pic. I never did get to see a pic, and lost contact with him. Well, we hooked up again, and he surprised me by sending me the pic. Only a 4 point, but dressed out at around 170 lbs. I have to put in a link, cause I haven't mastered pics on the boards yet. Sorry :-(
Maine 1993
Nice deer. How did you convince the deer to hang itself?
Thanks guys. I was born and raised in New Brunswick, then I moved to Maine. Yeah, I miss it a lot. Between Maine and NB, I practically lived in the woods. I have an acre in NB, waiting for me to build a camp on it. Might do the same thing in Maine. I've been in AZ for about 6 years, but am just now starting to hunt, fish, etc. I got sidetracked, when I moved here - new job, new wife, new baby.....but am ready to give it a whirl now
Nut - funny you should say that. In reality, that deer DID commit suicide. A bunch of us did the hunting camp thing, every November. Out of the group, only a couple of us took it real serious. My buddy and I had hunted HARD all week. Swamps, clearcuts, hardwood ridges. Up before dawn, out all day - you get the idea. This particular morning, though - I had slept in. I had just pulled the truck off the road, was standing on the logging road looking at tracks, and smoking a cigarette. I heard this gosh-awful noise - sounded like a goat. Actually, I thought someone had a deer call, and didn't know how to use it! Anyway, out steps Mr. Buck, drop the cigarette, drop the buck. Clean him up, back the truck up to him
loaded him, and was back at camp in less than 45 minutes. The guys saw me drive back in, and thought I had forgotten something
Too bad that aren't all like that
Well if that's the case I will have to head to either Oklahoma or Tennessee so that I can hunt with buckfish or pipedreams!!
That's a nice deer. Isn't it funny everyone says you have to get an early start for deer hunting, and when you do yo udon't see a darn thing, except the inside of your eyelids. Then when you sleep in you see all the deer you can imagine. I find that very odd. I say wake up when ever you want, the deer don't wake up early why should we?!?!
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