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Licking my wounds

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
My daughter had to run in a 1/2marthon yesterday (for college credit) and I went along to watch. My son came home friday nite for a summer job interview and said he was going to go too and run in the 5k. There were over a thousand runners and I laughed at some of the old people there in their speedo's. My children proceded to tell me that those old people would kick my ass and theirs. I told them loud enough for others to hear that I go out west hunting at high attiude and NOBODY especially old people would kick my ass. hump. My wife and kids said I could walk it and the entry fee goes to a good cause. :eek: I let that stew for a while.

I also thought about being 51,drinking that half bottle of whiskey cutting french frys for the volunteer fireman the nite before,only having a sheetz coffee with extra cream and splenda for breakfast, gaining 20 lbs since I came back from Wyoming and the biggie. Last time I ran more that 220 yards was in 1970 when I was on the high school football team.
About 15 min before the race started I looked at the skinny old couple next to us and pulled a pawclaws in my mind. I'll kick their :BLEEP: ass!!! I asked my daughter,where do go you sign up?
Well I guess I'll give you a quick run down.
I hate old people. don
ROTFLMAO!!!! You never can judge a book by it's cover! Pride can really bite you in the ass sometimes! Kudos to you for trying though! :p
Well Don at least you didn't wuss out :D hump :D. And now you are in even better conditio/shape for hunting in the high altitude of Wyoming hump hump
Quick Draw
Don.... :D ..... :D .... :D ....

I feel your PAIN, my friend... I just turned DOUBLE NICKELS....

Those hills have been getting STEEPER and HIGHER lately... ;) ...

There are very few advantages to getting older, but I have discovered ONE..

I no longer have to avoid TEMPTATION....

IT avoids ME..... :rolleyes: ......
Well 45 minutes for three miles. I though of wussing out when I got passed by a women carring a baby but there were too many people watching and where would I go to.:d I did come in eleventh in my age group.(50-54) But there were only 13 in it. I didn't run the last half(just walked fast) cause I didn't want to throw up the sheetz coffee.:eek: I told my wife if I were a woman I would have got a medal.(they gave the first three in each age group a medal and there were 13 women in the 50-54 age group and #3 cut right in front of me at the finish). My wife had some come back that made me feel better while not downplaying the women.
My son ran it in 23:something mins and my daughter did her first race(1/2 marthon) in 2 1/2 hours. They posted the times at the race but I can't find it on their website today. My son said he was going to enter some this summer and I'm going to give it another try again eventhough my legs are killing me today.don
That's the daughter that's going. She ran the marathon saturday morning, visited the grandparents that afternoon, drove back to Columbus Ohio that nite, when to work at the zoo sunday, wrote a paper that nite and is going to class today.
Yes she is leaving for New Zealand on thursday. I gave her your info.
Thanks, don
Good luck on the new job! Sounds like a good plan.
Well, I would say that you did very well no matter what placement in the group you were sitting. I live in an "elderly communitty" here and you did far better than most around here would have done. (I don't think most would have even attempted it an of those that would, wouldn't have finished) Good job.... :)
Good morning read for me Don. I feel for you, being 51 as well, and will not dare run in one of them. It would more than likely kill me. I also would not want to be put to shame by a lady carrying a baby. ;)

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