Kill [Taylor Hicks]


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Is it just me or is the Fag Boy Taylor Hicks from American Idol. a little "overexposed" with that Ford commercial......enough already....hump
Did you guys read about the support Ford has given to the gay rights movement......Kinda goes hand in hand doesnt it?

When I hear it I change the station, or mute the damn thing.
Taylor Hicks should have NEVER won to begin with!! The bald rocker, Chris, was a much better singer, but, a "rocker" will never win AI.
The Ford commercial & Hicks, both suck, but, I love my '06 F-150 !!!:D
The only thing more gay than Taylor Hicks and the commercial are ford trucks and the people who drive them.
I'm a Taylor hicks fan !!! Call me gay, thats OK but I like him entertaining....

That being said, Chris should have won hands down I think.
I love my Ford Trucks... They rock.. But Papa and Buzz are Gay:D

Kinda bothers me that Ford has a "gay Agenda":eek:
Az's right on the money...
cjcj said:
Very True.. But now its getting funny.. I like that pick of Papa Moose and Gunner doing the "high Five":D :D :eek:

OK, that'n made me did the irony of Sneak's post.:D
Taylor Hicks = Ford= HOMO!...

Ford Continues Support For Homosexual Groups

Dear Chester,

Ford Motor Company continues to support the homosexual agenda despite a steady drop in sales and the price of their stock. The latest Ford support for the homosexual lifestyle came in the July 4 issue of The Advocate, a homosexual magazine. Ford placed two full page ads in the publication featuring all their brands of automobiles, just as they did the previous month. This issue promoted Lambda Legal, a homosexual organization pushing the homosexual agenda in the courts. Lambda has been at the forefront:

in promoting homosexual marriage

in changing birth certificates for people having sex-change operations

allowing homosexuals to adopt foster children

striking state sodomy laws

forcing schools to allow homosexual student clubs

forcing Boy Scouts to accept homosexual adult leaders
Ford has repeatedly said that they will not stop funding the homosexual groups.
Nut said:
Who is Taylor Hicks? and why should I care?

1st no one said or thinks you should care [move on]:D

Any male that watches "American Idol" is gay:p

How do you know this? unless you have watched it...and your gay?hump
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