PEAX Equipment

Jorge's 2007 bull

I'm sure I could get 300 out of him if I used the jackass method, in camp, with whiskey, and before the tips are handed out.
Here is your flippin breakdown::D

15 on the brows(generous)
8 on the 3rds and 4th
6 on the 5ths
48 of mass (generous)
42 in MB
34 in spread

270 gross

Cool looking bull. Also pretty good hero shot.
Will do, Dan. When I first saw the pictures, I thought it was bigger than my 310 bull. But that was before I look closer at the 3 and 4 - mine were considerably longer.
The bases have nothing to do with the score. Why does everyone measure the bases? I think alot of people take the first H measurement there on elk.

The beams way threw me off. Now I have to go 286:D

Still the most important part is the kid looks happy as a clam.
Where'd he get that tape measurer? :D

Actually though, it looks like a nice bull and a fun hunt. It definately scores higher than the last one I shot.
I know absolutely zip/nada/nothing about scoring and have never put a tape to a set of horns, and Jorge doesn't know much more. ;) When I get some more pictures, I'll post them. I was just curious as to whether the guy was blowing smoke up Jorge's ass about the score.

What is hard for me to believe is that Jorge said this was the hardest elk hunt he's been on. I would think that our (unsuccessful) hunt in Montana few years ago was worse - temps way below zero, very steep country, falling down on ice, tripping over blowdowns in the snow, etc. Then again, I was the one usually pushing the timber...and I was the oldest!
Exactly! :D Although he says he shot it from the other side of the canyon at 367 lasered yards as it was feeding with its cows. At least now he knows that 400 class bulls are not under every tree in New Mexico...despite what you might read on the net. :D
Well I would have to say that he is 317 gross and I have no idea net. Nice very even bull. olefish
There were only two shots. The first was in the neck, taking out a few inches of spine along with the carotid aretery and jugular vein. The second shot was through the chest, and wasn't needed but was an insurance shot. It was over 350 yards horzontal, and about a mile up and down - the shot was from the top of one canyon to the top of the other side, and took them almost 2 hours to get to the bull. It bled out a lot in the meantime....and they cleaned it up as best they could.