Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

I've been discriminated against


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well the CCW law came into being on the 8th. (I am waiting a bit for the kinks to get worked out before applying) Well it came up to discussion at work and I did say I will be getting one (along with Vipe). I also said I saw no need for me to have one while at work because it would just get in the way and become bothersome. (I am a CNC Machinist and need mobility with 7 machines to wacth over)

Well regardless on what I said a co-owner came up to me and said that I wasnt allowed firearms on the job. I have no problem with that except I was the ONLY person they said it too. :confused: :( ;)
Nut I am obviously progun, but I would also say no Guns In my shop also, mainly to make it a policy if I had a big shop( and I did at one time). There are to many wakos that shouldnt be carrying around guns. let alone be working in a machine shop.

Ive seen tempers fly in machine shops and if some of these wak jobs had a gun it would be a postal nightmare.

I dont care if the person kept it in the car/ truck but in the SHOP NOPE.

Now that being said in a small( 5-10 people) shop where you know everyone personally thats not a problem. but in a big shop where you dont know everyone personally NO way. Also there are employees that I know that I dont mind carrying guns but there are also employees that I knwo who should have guns so in order not to discreminate I would have to say no guns.

Why would you need a gun in the Shop? If it is a security issue, can't the Owner work on the Security? And if it is to protect against "postal" employees, again, can't the owner work on problem employee?

It would sure seem to put a different atmosphere in the workplace, if 1/2 the people were packin'...

I think Del is pretty solid in his thinking, and I am sure most attorneys would agree with his policy.
Sounds like where I work! They nearly had a defecatory malfunction one time I showed a co-worker a medieval sword out in the parking lot. I done some metal engraving on the sword and had made a hand carved leather sheath for it and wanted to show it to my friend before I delivered it back to it's owner. I mean, if I got mad enough to waste somebody, I wouldn't want to use a sword or a gun and forfeit the "hands-on" experience of a good old-fashioned throttle-job! LOL! And I'm just kidding about the choking, for those of you who don't know me.

Rick, obviously they dont know me well enough after working there over 7 years. Physical Violence is not a big factor in my nature . ;) :D

Yep Del, I have seen some real kooks over the years. I even had a guy keeping a gun in his locker (right next to mine) and he is in prison for running over somebody. :eek:

EG, I didnt see any reason to have one while at work or even in my car. All it would do is make it available to be stolen easily for the riff raff.

RW, you should have seen the CFO of the parent company reaction to the time we had a crossbow in the parking lot. But the the COO came out and checked it out. :cool:

It is just the fact that I was the ONLY person told this that bothered me a bit. In a way I was proud also.

So later I told the co-owner that he didnt say I couldnt bring my bow to work and where can I set up a range.

I then told a coworker(aka as Xbow here but doesnt posts, the SOB) that I could take more out with the bow than I could with a gun if truth be known. The noise factor would play big time here.

disclaimer: that was a joke also. :D
I'll bet I bought or sold better than 20 firearms in the parking lot of our office building at Fort Campbell. Nobody cared then. Same story at Rickenbacker; but, smaller numbers. The world sure has changed a bunch in 20 years. :(
LOL Fred...
I would actually mention it to the individual that singled you out that if they didn't want them in the work place to either post it for every one, or to not mention it at all....

When I used to run a night shift at the shop I worked at we used to shoot the cats with the bows out in the back yard, every once in a while we would get lucky and nail a coyote about 1-2 times a month.

We also had our own 75 yard indoor shootng range for 223s and 22.

Then at my shop a freind had alot and I mean alot of machine guns and we used to shoot in there once to twice a month took a pallet put rails on it and filled it with phone books.

But I knew all the guys and shot with them all the time so I allowed it to happen. Besides it was at night and the machine guns had silencers.

One big problem as you know with machine shops is theft(not by employees) , because we have the garage doors open in the saw room or for material people just walked in and would take stuff.

He might have told you that due to the fact you were new there and didnt know his stance on guns in the workplace?

Maybe the boss is afraid of what you might do if you get insulted and wanted to tell you no handgun before you were packing. :D
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