Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

I'm done with turkey hunting


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
Well not exactly ;) I will not purchase a turkey tag for my self until the others in my family tag their first turkey. (That means 3 more people)

TurkyeEye has become so discouraged that it shows in his actions and conversations. I wanted to take him this morning but he said it didnt matter. All I see is the look he gave me when I stood over the turkey I got this year and I am ashamed that I shot it instead of him.

I wasnt going to put this promise to myself out but I want it on public record for my family to know I am serious. ;)
How many turkeys are you guys allowed per person in Ohio? Here in PA it is one per person. At any rate..........good luck to thee other 3 who ned birds!
we are allowed 2 during the spring. It doesnt look like I will have many days to attempt it this season. Maybe 1 more day and that might not happen. So I am looking at next fall and spring season also.
Well my friend that is good that you are doing this for your family.In my opinion it takes a good man to say he is done until the rest have gotten theirs.For me just getting a bird is icing on the cake but I did pass on a Jake on the 2nd day of the season.It wont be long now and you will be hunting them gobblers again.Congrats to those who got their birds this season and good luck to those who still need to get theirs.Now remember it is just as much if not more to see it all happen in front of you while you are calling in a bird for a family member.Good luck guys.
Sorry to hear that your working.When does the season close for you?When is the fall hunt?
We start back up late September for a week I think,maybe I can get me a nice big Hen then.
Ya better hurry....
Codie, don't worry about those stinkin' turkeys...your Dad may have shot that bird, but I think we ALL know where the bread is buttered during deer season:



;) :D