Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

illegal`s suing U.S.A.

Could it be that they are coming here so they can have the same opportunitie that we have here? Can we blamem for wanting better?

I have long felt they are welcome here if they can be productive members of OUR soceity. I wlso felt that all aliens to this country should be forced to under go steralization within 30 days of coming here. Harsh I know, but it keeps the over crowding down to a minimum.

Is it really the fault of the aliens that they dont get caught and deported? No. But blame where blame is due, the federal government. Immigration and naturalization and the Border Patrol. Not to mention the folks that fund them and set their policy. So you see, you and I are responsible to keep the aliens out, not pissing in their water. Bitch and belly ache to your congressman. Not the person tryng to make a better life for themselves and their family.
How can they enjoy those opportunities if they are here illegally? They can't. They are forced to do menial jobs for way less than we do. So that kind of blows your arguement since they get deported as soon as caught.
you see the problem is the FIRST thing they learn about the u.s.a. is it`s ok to commit a felony [crossing] then many of them, 28% end up in prison for more felony`s, then they bankrupt our society, welfare, food stamp`s free medical,etc. i want to better my life but i don`t break the law to do it ,like i`ve said before[other post`s soon they will be taking YOUR big game tag`s, haven`t you noticed all this crap that`s in SPANISH? when i was younger their were no spanish radio or tv station`s, now there are hundred`s why do you think this is? is it because of the legal hispanic`s just decided to go back to the old way`s? NO it`s purely for the million`s of illegal`s[mostly from mexico]that have invaded this country, if you lived in a border state you would see what i`m talking about on a daily basis!
hey flytier read these two book`s and see if you change your`e mind, INVASION[MICHELLE MALKIN] she is a legal immigrant from the phillipines. and savage nation by mike savage. also check out. WWW.MICHAEL SAVAGE.COM
next time moosie runs out of water he can sue idaho for not having purified water in the streams of idaho.
TIM.... OUCH !!!!
dont worry bud i already have a lawyer on retainer for you i figured we could split it.
Call me a tree hugger or call me what you will.....this has been a disturbing post for me. Yes they are illegally entering our country, and I am certain someone can quote statistics concerning the financial aspects of the necessity of having border patrol, benefits etc. But lets view a different angle here. Can we even imagine the quality of life (or should I say lack of quality of life) that would lead someone to break the law and face the above mentioned hardships.I can barely imagine feeling that life in another place would be so much better that I would pay someone to pack me in a truck with no food ,water or even enough air to attempt to make that trip. This is not taking into consideration that they know that they will only be able to get menial jobs and by american standards life will be a struggle. They are leaving what and who they know and love behind to attempt to live a better life. This can only lead one to wonder exactly how hard it is where they are from to undertake this journey so to speak. These people are someones Husbands, wives, sisters, brothers and above all someones child. I am not expecting anyone to welcome illegal aliens with open arms but basic American and Human compassion would be well placed here. We all know that there is a problem here and it is too big for one solution..yes I agree that illegal is illegal but then again would not poisioning water with rat poision be considered illegal or is it not illegal for Americans? are we beyond reproach because we do have more freedoms than any other nation...such as the right to publically post our opinions?
I have mixed opinions on this topic. I guess it depends on what mood I'm in. That being said, based on some of the logic presented here - we can poison people, just because they are doing something illegal. Now, my pet peeve is speeders(major speeders), especially here in Arizona. I could be doing 5-10 mph over the limit, 90% of vehicles are tailgating, whizzing past, doing goofy crap. To me, it is immature, self-absorbed, and dangerous to me and my family. So, if someone blows by me like that, I should be able to execute them at the next stop sign? Run them off the road? Slash their tires? Coincidentally, I moved here from Canada. It makes me very mad that I did it legally, and others don't. I agree that either the illegals need to be stopped, or the system changed. I think it needs to be changed in the American system of politicians representing their people; those politicos passing legislation, sending troops, funding the border patrol - whatever it takes. Again, not arguing with your anger, not saying it's not a huge problem, just the logic presented to justify pi55ing in the water jugs.
well i will first say that it is no secret that I HATE THE ILLEGAL`S and i have ZERO compassion for them. they don`t all take menial job`s [see all construction] in fact they have driven down high paying job`s [construction] to fast food type wages! now as far as driving goes most of them have no insurance[so we pay for it] i personnaly know 4 people who have been hit by illegal`s one was drunk and had 3 other DWI but he`s still was driving. it seem`s the enforcment is for U.S> and legal citizens who can afford to pay the fines! my duaghter was t-boned by an illegal who blew a stop sign and him and his scumbag buddies were all drunk [ it was [spinko de mayo] why arn`t these illegal scum being deported? we had a cop who was hit by an illegal driving at an estimated 100 plus and he was burned beyond recognition, his name was jason sheckterly, the illegal is now in our prison at all of our expense, but guess what this illegal had been pulled over at least two other times for other violation`s but was never DEPORTED! by the time the press ran with this story they blamed the CAR![ a ford crown victoria] i also had them loot my hunting camp and attempt to steal our truck while deer hunting near the mexico border, we shot near them to scare them away, but if this happen`s again i will shoot to kill, as i have NO sympathy for anyone commiting a FELONY to better their life, at the expence of other`s, i`m sure that the majority of them are not bad people, but that is just too dam bad! if their so desperate then they need to change their own country`s and take a chance doing it but they as usual want to take the easy way out and that is by LYING,CHEATING,SCAMING,it`s their way of life. so the more that die crossing our border the better.
just a note for the doc. the terrorist`s that took out the twin tower`s on 911 all had sister`s ,brother`s wife!s and children .do you feel compassion for them?
CJCJ, what's happening out there ? My little Brother worked at the immigration prison in Florence a couple of years ago and he said it was constantly over full rotating the Wets in , processing them and shipping them out. Is the system so full that they are having to let some of them slide?

You know Vincente won't let the situation in Mexico get any better, he want's (probably encourages) large quantities of his citizens to infiltrate the Southwest so mexico can reclaim Cali specifically through the voting booth and pressure on Hispanic congress critters.
cj isn't exaggerating - it's bad. Look at some pics of the border areas - ankle deep in garbage, in many places, from the hundreds of people crossing. Ranchers have these people on their property by the dozens, night after night. Border Patrol is swamped, short staffed, etc. System can't process them. I was listening to one account where they are given a letter, asking them to report to their deportation, on such and such a date!!!!
well marland`s your brother is right ,and the problem has grown bigger and bigger, i have lived in az. 49 yrs. and it`s unbeleivable what has happened in this state,weve had school`s shut down as coyotes were holding 40-50 wet`s hostage,weve had many wet`s executed, first they blamed racist white hate group`s only to find out it`s the totaly scum coyotes! but they can`t get the coyotes, because nobody will testify against them, but every day[i`m not kidding] .some hispanic rape`s, murder`s, shoot`s at a cop, robbery,etc. in the seventies,and early eighties it seem`ed rare when a so called hispanic had done any crime,first of all the media won`t even call them illegal`s anymore, they say hispanic! if i was a mexican american i would be pissed that they lump us all together! also there have been group`s of 20-30 rounded up by local police, then just let go because I.N.S. failed to show. our city councel [phx.] even spent 125 thousand of taxpayer cash to build them a day care [labor] center, it`s outa control and i feel sorry for the generation`s behind me that will have to deal with it i call our governor once a week to bitch about it but she is a worthless liberal dyke who has catered to them, and our att. genral is a queer who vow`s to protect them from anyone who mistreat`s them, and by the way you better wear your seatbelt, because starting today the cop`s will pull you over and write you a ticket,but 9 illegal`s in the back of a pickup are EXEMPT! also 25 illegal`s in a 9 passanger van are also EXEMPT! that`s why i hate them, and i support the militia on our border`s.

Borders, Language, and Culture. Amen brother from another mother.

Doc, Flytyer,

After 9/11 most Americans have decided to pull their heads out of their rectums. Why haven't you guys?

I think bleeding heart liberal would be a more fitting term than treehugger.

Living in a border state kind of forces you to pull your head out and see the truth. People living hundreds or maybe thousands of miles from mexico do not see the negative effects so maybe they still have the "they just want a better life" image in their head. I think that those people would change their mind if millions of illegal wetbacks were crossing into their state each year, leaving their forests littered with 100s of tons(literally) of trash, and piling up in their cities where they cause even more probems (stealing, raping, murder, drug dealing to name a quick few).

BTW add a few more to the list of being hit by an uninsured wet, my dad was hit by an illegal wetback 5 years ago and my wifes car was hit in a parking lot by an illegal last year. Guess who ended up footing the repair bills. Yep us.

The only remorse I have about pissing in that water was that I should have dumped some of the water out first to increase the piss to water ratio.

You guys really should check these out.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-19-2003 10:51: Message edited by: FEW ]</font>
I know where they are going. A lot of them come here. They work the fields. And yes they do increase crime considerably. Yes they do drive uninsured and even without licenses. They dont take work away from the local people here because white people wont do what these people will do to make a living. I certtainly wouldnt get out and move sprinkler pipes again. In junior high school it was easy and good money. I have arrested my share of wet backs. I was even investigated by the civil liberty union just because I arrested so dang many of them. Didnt violate their rights, they were treated with the decency and respect anyone deserves. I surely didnt piss in their water. Would that solve the problem? Absolutly not.

Dont dislike them because they are who they are, get mad at the system that allows them to get in illegally. Plain and simple, put the blame where the blame is due. Harass your congressmen until you see results. Make phone calls, write letters, do what it takes to make them take more actiopn to stop the influx of migrants. Pissing in the water may make one or two sick, but pissing off your congressman will get better results.
I know that changes need to be made at the federal level and yes bitching at government officials would be much more effective... I was not saying that pissing in the water would help with the problem, it was strangely satisfying though. Just a little old fashion payback I guess.
I have a good idea about what you AZ residents are talking about, I lived in Coolidge and Florence for two years or so. In Coolidge at that time there was a shooting or stabbing nearly every weekend and it never made the papers, I know because I saw the aftermath more than once. Funny how it was almost always at this dive bar or two on the East(?) side. I'd drive by them after spending too much time at the other bars just to see a good closing time fight between junkies or wets (equally entertaining).

back to the issue, soooo, the wets are suing the U.S. fo not aiding them to break the law entering this country, too funny.