If you Fly to hunt read this.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
One again I flew to hunt. I voiced my displeasure with Continental this fall when they stuck us with every extra baggage fee possible. I also said how well Frontier treated us last year as well.
Well... this trip was unusual because i had a different airline for each direction. I flew out with continental and flew back with Frontier. When we arrived monday night for our 3 day Oryx hunt our luggage never got transferred at Houston to El paso :BLEEP: . I went ballistic on the guy when he said he couldnt be sure they would deliver it later to ELP on the next flight so we had to wait until 11PM to get our gear. The guy told me they never even moved it from the last plane area at all...
I am done with Continental for good.
On the return trip we had 4 coolers full of meat and one weapon case. We figured it was best to pay the $50 in extra baggage and get it all home. Once we got there the woman at the Frontier counter raised her brow and "said thats a lot of luggage" we will have to charge one of you for the extra. Well the guy that was helping out throwing the stuff on the conveyer was a hunter and told her to let it go free!!
So once again Frontier shows its colors, and so did Continental.
My advice, if the frontier fare is only like 40$ more take it, it has paid off twice for me with thier great service. Also since they are new the planes they use are all new as well.
Caribou Gear

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