Kenetrek Boots



New member
Jun 25, 2004
Phoenix AZ
As if I didn't already know my destiny, politics has reassured me that I have no place in this world besides the beauty of gods country and far far away from BS like the following. If you haven't heard, USO (look it up, they suck) in our neighboring state of NM has filed in 2000 a lawsuit against AZ that our 10% non-resident tag allotment is "unconstitutional" and just not enough to make their bills. Some XXXXXX up judge has ruled in their favor and has held up the results of this years draw. It's taken a couple of years but they have succeeded in screwing things up for allot of hunters. Money is great when it's in the hands of hard working Americans but quickly turns to sour even in the shadow of something so spiritual like having the privilege of harvesting wild game, or better yet having your children look at you the first time they take a trophy. I am at the end of a long day of allot of stressed out conversation among many of my friends and hopefully will have it in me to say more later. To be honest I just don't have it in me to say much more tonight except to try and encourage you to look at WWW.AZGFD and see for yourself. These individuals call themselves sportsman and "profesonal hunters" but in my opinion they are scum who's main objective is to fattin their wallets no matter what the cost to others. I hope to say more later. Idaho or bust!
elkrack6x6, I see this topic has alot of people fired up. There has been guys Sue in the Past for the 10% restriction rule. the State will win. Thats how it works. Others have set some presidents for that.

Idaho has a 10% rule on some critters too. Although our Deer tags never sell out to N.R. and elk tags sell out to Residents at a NON resident price beacause they don't get bought up.

So maybe there is no Elk or deer here ?
Are you trying to convince me that there is a shortage of antlers in Idaho? Next you'll tell me the fishing sucks too. :D