Idaho elk inquire

Wa Bowguy

New member
Mar 23, 2020
Hey everyone looking at archery elk hunting idaho this year with my dad. Niether one of us have ever been out of state for hunting, however we've chased elk and deer here all over the state of washington so definitely not a noob to getting after them. Right now we are looking at the Wieser River zone (primarly 22&32a), McCall (23&24), and Pioneer (50&36a). Both of us have been all over google earth and the web searching for any bit of info we can find, besides calls into the biologist for the zones (they are working from home during this virus time ). Since scouting is on pause hopefully only temporarily i was wondering if anyone on here has some info/ insight one these areas? Some questions we have are bull:cow ratios, snow levels come mid to late sept, deer and predator populations, and fires in the units? Any and all feedback welcome
welcome, Idaho has many good OTC elk units the weather in sept can be 80s to 20s Ive had 14 inches of snow mid sept and 50s next day yes their are wolves running around I would get a tag
Are you hiking or horse back some units have a no motorized vehicle and that means no bikes even
Look at the wildlife reports on the IDFG website under the Science area. There are annual reports with FY19 being the most current for elk. Look at deer reports there as well and read through the recently released deer management plan for most recent deer info for the units. Onx maps has historical fire info. Which will help you find areas other hunters will be and you can avoid.
In addition to onX for historical fire info, the Forest Service data extract tool is a great way to get FS data layers, including wildfire, timber harvests, Forest/wilderness boundaries, road/trail, about anything they have for public data. I like to view it in google earth for 3D scouting. Just google Forest Service data extract tool. It comes as shapefiles, so if you try to add in google earth, you have to use the file type dropdown in the lower right and select ESRI Shape.
You being from Washington, I'd hunt in a 1 to 15 unit. Weiser units also has a rifle cow season with an A tag. McCall has the spike only season.
I’m talking md teen units, as stated above.
Ahh i see i live in tri cities which is in the lower south central part of washington, spokane is about 2 hours away NE from ne. This is the reason for looking at 22. My house to cold springs campground is at 5 hrs
Really. Been on on x seems pretty open territory but ass here in Washington that's where the big boys hang just so hard with bow.

31 is a big unit, a little on the open side, yes. 32a has a ton of elk as does 22. 22 has the 4 wheeler mafia lol, lots of wheeler trails! 32a has a few less. Good luck on what you decide.
31 is a big unit, a little on the open side, yes. 32a has a ton of elk as does 22. 22 has the 4 wheeler mafia lol, lots of wheeler trails! 32a has a few less. Good luck on what you decide.
Thanks bud, i pretty sure we're are learning to wieser river zone. Been trying to comb on onx but really im ready to start scouting i just want a place to start looking so i can zero in but with this darn stay at home it's tough.

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