Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

IBBuglers trip Update.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Day one......

After coming to my office and me printing out maps last night at 11PM, the 5AM wake up was a bit early for him, Since he wasn't packed yet andfirst went to bed at 3AM. After work ending at Noon, He rememberd he needed his Tags and went home to get them hen was off. He's several hours underway watching Video's of Bulls on his Mini DVD player anticipaing tomorrows hunt.

May the driving gods start off with him today, and the Bull Elk Gods be with him all week.
How many maps is that guy going to print off? We went to Sportsman's Whorehouse on Thursday during our lunch break to print some off and he had another BLM map and the one's he plotted at your office. I guess you can never have enough maps.... You should have seen all his "Elk Spots" on Google Earth - it was funny seeing all the thumb tacks everywhere. He was mad because there weren't any spots more than 1.5 miles away from a two-track road. I told him he was going to shoot a big old bull right off the road and not to sweat it.

It was funny listening to him all week going over all the different I shoot a 350" or don't I... should I shoot my antelope doe early or don't I....and the list goes on and on.

He's ready for the hunt. He'll keep us updated on the happenings if he gets cell service. Good luck IB!
Good luck IB. The weather has turned a bit in East Idaho for the cooler, hopefully WY is cooperating as well.
LOL>...... He's Jacked 4 sure. He says he'll hold out for at least a 340" with his Bow. I talked several senario's with him. Truth be told he's going to do alot more Videotaping and Picture taking then shooting.... I just know him :)

He sent me 5 "PINS" for Google and I printed him out flat and elevation maps from each pin. Then some in between. Prolly 15 or so maps total. Then a bigger over all and a smaller one. He needs to pout an X on each location he sees a bull and take a picture of the Elk. That way next month I'll know were the elk are ;)

If he tags out on Elk and Lope... I'll be siting on 2 lope tags and a Bull tag. He says he' going to go back but I'm not sure. We googled that area for 1 hour last night and if someone had jsut showed it to me out of the blue, I wouldn't believe any bulls were in there.
DAY 2 (Actually Morning 1 but for ease sake I'm on Day 2)

After Ariving at the spot around 3AM, a few hours sleep and it was time to get up and chase the bulls. Before laying down for a few hours sleep there were bulls bugleing off and on right near camp. After a few Tries and no responses a few winks were needed before the morning.

The terrain was different then what we had looked at on Google earth. Harder to glass in some areas but there were Elk in there. It started off finding and area, calling, and working a bull in. It took awhile but as it got closer it was a OK 6 point bull and worthy of pictures at around 300" and and worthy of video non the less. But as it got closer, Another bull 6 point 250-260 class cut it off and came in within 10 YARDS !!!

Anyways. As exciting as that was.. it wasn't the end of the morning. Heading back to the road there was some crashing down below. Trying to figure out what it was and some lengthy cow calling nothing appeared. So starting to head out finally a glimpse of eyes were made and ..... Busted. Nothing crazy though, jsut looked like a Spike bull, about 60 or so yards away. Also, about that time, it moved.... Those spikes were Tines, it was a 7x7. around the 350 class. Already being busted there was no way to get this great bull in.
Slipping out for lunch and to let things settle down, He'll be glassing that area in a couple hours.
Day 3

Night brought cooler weather (Around mid 30's) and morning brought Fog. Alot of Fog... thick, heavy fog. Bryce stayed around camp not wanting to get lost. The terrain is new and rolly type hills. The type of terrain that one canyon looks like the next. Even wth the GPS coord's in place, satalites were hard to get at times. Finally later in the AM the fog was clearing a little and some calling and bull locating was done. A deep thick growl Bugle was a few Hundred yards off and IDB started working it. After a few exchanges and working the bull with different type calls, it finally came into the opening about 60 yards out. Unfortunately it was a Sub 300" bull, A very nice 280-290 class bull but still to early in the game to let an Arrow fly at him. Alot of good video was taken of this bull at close range. The big 7x was no where to be found. 3 other Trucks were in the area just down the road, all together. Wonder if they know something about that location or if it's by chance ?

Last night 4 Bucks were spotted with the Biggest Buck being a 3x4. A total of 6 bucks have been seen so far. They were too far off to mess with taking pictures of but it's good to see different game in the same location.

Rain looks like it's in the near forcast. Maybe as soon as this evening. Although rain doesn't stop IDB, it will make for some harder conditions to hunt in. Time to head further away from the camp area and look at new spots.

The fog didn’t let up but IDB was anxious to get back into the bulls. He found an area a couple miles from camp and set off after some bugling he just heard. The problem was the visibility was still bad. Going after the bulls meant dropping off into the valley and taking a chance that the satellites would not reach the GPS. And dropping down… way down. After getting in fairly close he set up and worked the bulls. The first bull to come in was a 250 class 6 point. Seeing it wasn’t a shooter he grabbed the video cam and taped it. It turned broadside and about 20 yards. Not wanting this bull he videotaped it and set up for the 2nd bull. A much larger sounding bull. It was pretty cool to hear the bulls coming in and only seeing fog. Then, a shape of some sort with a head and antlers forming and coming into focus at around 40 yards. This next bull was a little bit larger but not the caliber of bull IDB is looking for. So he got out the camcorder once again and worked the bull. It started thrashing the brush and cut left and right and walked within 5 yards. He was thrashing around when the 3rd bull came in. it was a raghorn type 5, maybe 6 point and turned at 30 yards, the 2nd bull crossed IDB once again at almost poking distance if he held out his Arrow and soon after he elk busted out.

The weather had socked in with the temps getting to the low 30’s or high 20’s. The GPS was hit and miss and although he thought he knew the direction it said he was going the wrong way. After listening to the GPS and heading back to where it said the ATV was, it took over an hour before he still questioned it. Next thing he knew he was back at camp and not his ATV. Somehow, something got mixed up and he had hiked across the way and was back at camp. Being soaking wet and freezing, it was a good sight to see.

Today brought more glassing with the fog lifted. Some bulls were spotted but not a lot of action yet. Hopefully tonight will bring some more Wyoming bull action adventure.
when is the DVD version available?

Keep holding for the big one Bryce!

DVD Will come out later.... He's good at that, I'm not. But both our stuff will be on it :)

This hunt by hunt account of IDB's trip really motivates me at work|oo

You think it's hard for you ?!?! I'm the one he calls and I HAVE THAT TAG !!! I could be up there. Only difference is I would have a dead bull on the ground. HE's better at drawing things out. I have alot to learn still....

I'm jsut going on the rifle part, but it's tough waiting... dang tough !!!

Exceptional running narrative Mooseman...

Thanks. I wish I could tell you guys first hand, but it's jsut second hand hear~say. :eek:
Well he's definately in the elk and passing a bunch... either that or Blowing alot of smoke up my Arsch :)

He called me thrice on the phone today. I'm not sure if he's starting to get lonley or just excited because every day is getting better. The first was the first update I gave. then he was going Antelope looking. We pulled some Doe tags so he wanted to see if any were around. It sounded likethere were 'lopes as far as the eye could see and non were to much spooky. Walking within bow range (With only a camera mind you) he left the does alone for a later day. No sense storing meat this early in the game.

It's been awhile since he's called and I've talked to several other hunters so I'm trying not to mix stories up ;) 9 bulls in all were seen and 3 more called in. More cows were seen this evening with alot more activity. Nothing of Huge size but Book P&Y bulls non-the-less. Tomorrow should be one of the best days yet.

I'll have to apoligise in advance for tomorrow. I'm going to Fly the Sawtooth Zone for Elk scouting and a Goat unit with Wylee, Dave and Shawn and with a couple meetings to the later part of the day probably won't be able to make it to the Puter till tomorrow night at best. But I'll update you as I can.

Trying to get celll phone reception last night IDB shut off his 4-wheeler and looked at the phone. A Bugle Erupted right off the road. It was decided that this sounds liek a good bull. At first light, he was at that spot again and let the bugle thunder. Withing minutes a 310" class bull came within range. Covered in mud from it's antlers all over it's head and coming within 25 yards it was tough to not let the arrow fly. The best of hunters have caved to less of a bulls bugle when brought in screaming in your face. At least more footage was taken and if nothing else this bull will remained embedded in his memories for years to come.

The evening wasn't as great as past mornings and nights. The weather had warmed up and being a little to agressive in calling and not watching the wind a good bull was spooked off at around 80 yards. Other then that it was a slow evening with not many elk seen. 3 cows and a 5 point were spotted but neither calling nor video taping took place. Tomorrow morning should bring more great times. Tomorrow evening will bring a good friend to camp to share some hunting stories and stratagies with.
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