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I was Pissed !


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
You would believe what this arrogant beach did today; 2 years ago I lost a lease I had for 6 years; prime bow hunting property across the street from a property I had for 20 years . Both 100 acers. This beach who I never could catch driving by flicking me off and harassing my boys when dressing a deer near the main road came into my shop somehow found my posting on a web site and found out who the owners was of the property and harassed him enough to have me put off it 2 years ago. Well she came back in my shop this afternoon with the same crappy chairs to get touched up. I didn't let on I knew who she was and I didn't let her in my shop. I told her that the touch up was 150 and hr and it would take 2 hrs pre chair. As she walked back to her car to bring out another chair my son was looking at me strangely and I yelled to him she is the beach that got us kicked off the Man she heard that and bolted. I then called her home and told her never come back to my shop again. She returns the call and said I will not and I said Thank You.

The nerve of the antis.

But now in getting me thrown off the property I started a hunting group which has even more property and some right around her home. She was fishing for something today. She will have to fish else where now.
I would have just charged the normal rate and............................................................ rubbed my nuts all over the chairs.
you let her go too easy!
a lil skunk piss needled in thru her car window would of been a nice treat for her. :D
Interesting story and I can certainly see why a guy wouldn't like that woman. One thing that seems awful strange though is the description of your behavior and your signature line. One sort'a seems to contrast with the other.
Big Sky I know and forgive me. I am not perfect and this is the kind of thing I need to just give over. I thought I had untill she came back to my shop.
A good friend and former Pastor once told me it was good I came face to face with the devil on a regular meant the devil and I were traveling in opposite directions. for me.;)
One thing that seems awful strange though is the description of your behavior and your signature line. One sort'a seems to contrast with the other. think he was the pope?
No, but when someone publicly proclaims themself a Christian and then acts in an "un-Christian" manner, it portrays a pretty poor example. It then reinforces all the negative images of the "judgmental" or "hypocritical" Christian. Hate the sin - love the sinner.

"nuff about that."
No, but when someone publicly proclaims themself a Christian and then acts in an "un-Christian" manner, it portrays a pretty poor example. It then reinforces all the negative images of the "judgmental" or "hypocritical" Christian. Hate the sin - love the sinner.

"nuff about that."

If you have to go around telling others that you are a good Christian, you are likely mostly trying to convince yourself. :mad:
If you have to go around telling others that you are a good Christian, you are likely mostly trying to convince yourself

Jose, I agree! Most of the folks that preach the loudest are the ones that need it the most.
All this bickering is exactly why my advice is the most sound.

Try it sometime. I once did it to a nasty beotch boss’ coffee mug. Very satisfying.
well....I rarely take someone's signature tag as "gospel". but to clear things up, hardly anyone ever calls me Maurice. :rolleyes:
If you have to go around telling others that you are a good Christian, you are likely mostly trying to convince yourself.

Or you are fooling yourself and trying to convince others....

I think a rational conversation about hunting would have been a much better approach, and if she reacted in a hostile manner, then you won. BY acting in the way you did, you simply reinforced her attitude about hunters.
I would have offered her a discount, Once you got the chairs in, put some Deer Router with an arrow sticking out on it. Then tell her it was a mistake.

OK, I wouldn't have done nothing, But I can see why you don't like her.
"Jose, I agree! Most of the folks that preach the loudest are the ones that need it the most."
I am the 1st to say I am not perfect. If I were ; O MAN LOL

Moose, I was told I should have done them and then tell her thanks for supporting the next hunting trip. LOL
what's her phone #??? we can call her everyday and deluge her with PRO-HUNTING stuff---now let's have it----chris
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