Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

I should apologize to Randy for this

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Wrong, I didn't twist anything...I read what you wrote and your scripture you quoted.

Its condemnation of anyone that doesn't think the same way you do...IE: you're better than everyone else.

Just because you fail to see it, doesn't mean that's not the way "your message" reads.

NO, I don't believe the world would be a better place if everyone followed the bible, because a boatload of bible followers don't adhere to any of it.

They abuse drugs, abuse kids, beat their wives, kill...essentially do everything on your list. Apparently it doesn't work all that well.
Your willingly missing the point. Whoever is doing those awful things ARE NOT following the Bible. I said IF the Bible was actually obeyed these things wouldn't happen. That is a fact not an opinion. And yes you did twist my words but I don't have time to dispute that.
I have a very busy day today. I am mounting an awesome Utah bull elk today in my taxidermy shop that the brother of a great member on here killed in Beaver East.
Buzz I hope you and everyone else on here has the best day ever! Oh and thanks for all you do to help in wildlife/sportsman issues.
Your willingly missing the point. Whoever is doing those awful things ARE NOT following the Bible. I said IF the Bible was actually obeyed these things wouldn't happen. That is a fact not an opinion. And yes you did twist my words but I don't have time to dispute that.
I have a very busy day today. I am mounting an awesome Utah bull elk today in my taxidermy shop that the brother of a great member on here killed in Beaver East.
Buzz I hope you and everyone else on here has the best day ever! Oh and thanks for all you do to help in wildlife/sportsman issues.
You know what would really work? If people just didn't kill other people...

I don't need a book or lecture to know that, neither do most other people.

Oddly enough, some that say they believe that book, do, in fact, kill other people.

Isn't that something?
You know what would really work? If people just didn't kill other people...

I don't need a book or lecture to know that, neither do most other people.

Oddly enough, some that say they believe that book, do, in fact, kill other people.

Isn't that something?
You ever wonder why everyone your close to has a complex?
You know what would really work? If people just didn't kill other people...

I don't need a book or lecture to know that, neither do most other people.

Oddly enough, some that say they believe that book, do, in fact, kill other people.

Isn't that something?

Geez, he'd just tried to wrap things up and be nice in exiting the convo, and then you go and throw another rock.
Geez, he'd just tried to wrap things up and be nice in exiting the convo, and then you go and throw another rock.
Praying that mass shootings will go away and stop doesn't work, hasn't worked, and never will work...

How many times have you heard, right after one of these deals someone say, "I pray this won't happen again"...'s that working out?
I knew this wouldn't age well but this I did not expect.
History repeating itself and all there will be is the usual hand-wringing, religious people telling everyone if you just follow the bible, nobody wanting to give up a "right", everybody saying mental health is an issue, yada yada.

The only solution is to build caskets and bury the dead, its that simple. American Society simply does not want to deal with any of it. They don't want red flag laws, they don't want any kind of gun control, even registration or permitting, they don't want to fund mental health care.

So, you just accept that kids and adults, are going to get shot up at schools, concerts, churches, grocery stores, etc. and hope it isn't you, your family, or anyone you know that's next.

There are things that would help, but there simply isn't ever going to be a concerted effort to deal with it.

If there was, it wouldn't keep happening over and over and over and over and over again.

Americans don't care, simple as that.
I have no idea, perhaps some twisted version of Lutheranism? Is that a serious argument?
While, Lutherans and Catholics did too little to stop the Nazis (and many were probably party members), the Nazis, like all socialist parties rejected mainstream religion as they will concede no greater power than the state/dictator. They did have a weird "Valhalla-flavored" mysticism behind some of their positions.

Christians have done their fair share of historical harm, but the Nazis weren't one of them.
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Not sure what apologizing to Randy has to do with this, but this is simple to me. Peoples brain chemistry has been altered due to lots of things and that is why this all happens. I could go into tons of google searches, studies....etc.etc...but I'll leave that up to ya'll to do on your own.
Praying that mass shootings will go away and stop doesn't work, hasn't worked, and never will work...

How many times have you heard, right after one of these deals someone say, "I pray this won't happen again"...'s that working out?

I understand your outrage (on certain issues) and since you ID yourself as being a fixer, what are your proposals?

Or, would they be in vain since you also state "there simply isn't ever going to be a concerted effort to deal with it".

By "it", do you mean the shootings? Or what causes the shootings? Or both?

And by concerted effort, do you mean the voters? Or society generally? Or the government?
Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, smart phones, YouTube, poor parenting, religion, lack of religion, untreated mental
Illness, welfare babies, cable news, lack of community, unwillingness to stand up for what is right (whatever “right” is anymore), rampant vilification of opposing viewpoints, constant barrage of doomsday environmentalism, destruction of the nuclear family, lack of NR tags😜; all of it plays into painting a very, very negative world view for our young people.

I believe that a lack of hope for a better future plays a significant role in the mental health crisis facing our country and many other developed countries. Misery and tragedy sell…they get votes and raise $$$ for causes. No major parties or outlets out there peddling hope for better days ahead. Don’t know how much of that plays into these individual mass murderers, but my gut would say these people in general are hopeless when they begin heading down the path towards atrocity. Eventually, hope for a better tomorrow will take root, and that could be good…or very, very bad.
I understand your outrage (on certain issues) and since you ID yourself as being a fixer, what are your proposals?

Or, would they be in vain since you also state "there simply isn't ever going to be a concerted effort to deal with it".

By "it", do you mean the shootings? Or what causes the shootings? Or both?

And by concerted effort, do you mean the voters? Or society generally? Or the government?
We care, but are helpless with our style of Government. For this particular problem we need a swift and merciless response that makes no incentive for them to continue. But that won’t happen here.
We care, but are helpless with our style of Government. For this particular problem we need a swift and merciless response that makes no incentive for them to continue. But that won’t happen here.
Totally disagree, when a society of people start caring, things change. We just aren't close to there yet on this issue...and won't be for a long time, if ever.

Merciless response is a joke. By the time somebody decides they're going to shoot up a school, they've already decided they aren't coming home. What are you going to do? Throw a dead shooter in jail? Make them pay a fine?
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