I need help..... Have a raghorn problem!

Three years with successful bow hunts is definitely not a problem. HOWEVER, if you are bent on getting bigger antlers, then you have got to leave the release in your pocket when you see the little ones!

That kind of self control is something I need to learn! This wil be better eating than one with bigger antlers though!
I'll trade you "problems" I have spent EVERY elk season of my entire life......at work ... in a cubicle! *FML*
I always tell people you can't shoot big ones if you don't let the young ones walk. Remember in a natural system age brackets will work like a pyramid. Every year older there's less animals in each age class so you'll always have more chances to run into younger animals than mature ones.

Having said that, you've got prime venison and that's the main thing at the end of the day!
I always tell people you can't shoot big ones if you don't let the young ones walk. Remember in a natural system age brackets will work like a pyramid. Every year older there's less animals in each age class so you'll always have more chances to run into younger animals than mature ones.

Having said that, you've got prime venison and that's the main thing at the end of the day!

Oh yes, this I know and practice with deer. I have been passing on younger deer the past few years and last year it payed off and I found a mature deer which should be back from the taxidermist in a few weeks! But with elk it is really tough to pass anything because elk hunting and killing a bull in general is not easy, so the first legal bull I get a chance at I go for.