
I love hunting bears


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I have gotten addicted to hunting bears. I started 4 years ago. The first year there was a learning curve and We are still learning to date. I have taken 3 bears here in Idaho in the last 3 years. Although It is only Dec I can't Wait till I get to Start baiting April 15th.

Any other Bear hunters?

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I was addicted to bait hunting bears here
in Wa big time. Man, do I miss it!!! I'm
still alittle pissed about losing out to
some members of PAWS and other groups who
totally took us out of the game. Looking
back, I hope the hunters in Wa learn that
they need to ban together when the next
group rears their ugly head and threaton
to take away some more of our hunting
privledges. The rumor is the next ban they
want is archery hunting, cause they just
won out in making it illegal to use leg
hold traps. I guess this is a wake up call
to us hunters and say no more and get
organized!!I have in laws who live in Calwell, and I love Idaho. Its a great place
to visit and hunt. I hope you boys down
there defend you rights to bait and run
dogs for bears and cats as long as you can.
I got into baiting real late in the game,
and only got to do it for 2 years. We did
take 4 nice blackies though. Go have a
good time with your hunts, and be sure to
let us know all the details.
Hey Spotted Owl if you are so pissed at WA and have in-laws in caldwell and enjoy idaho why don't you move there wiht your in-laws you could then maybe hunt with Oscar as he lives in Nama wich is in the Caldwell area. Ihope to be able to hunt elk wihth old moosie next year if i get the privledge i will keep you informed but for no, Good Luck and Shoot Strait.

Mini Moose
Mini Moose,

Your right, I should quit whining about Wa
and head on down to Idaho.I have hunted elk
in unit 9 in the panhandle 3 times over the years. One time we got snowed out big time,
and the other 2 times I saw afew legal bulls, but somehow found a way to mess it up.
Washington isn't all that bad, especially if
you keep up with the permit hunts. I hope
it works out for you going elk hunting with
Moosie. He sounds like a good guy to be in
the woods with for a week or 2. Take care!
Yup....I'm a bear guy!

Never hunted bait, but love to spot and stalk good bear country.

Pisses me off Colorado cancelled their spring season!
Come clean DS we all know you had a doughnut in your pocket when you did the spot & rope on that bear!hehehehe

"in the Spring we Strut and in the Fall we Rut"

I love the bear hunting too. Used to be my favorite when baiting and hounds were legal. I guided on the side and have been at the site of many successful hunts and the thrill never gos away.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
You guys who enjoy bear hunting (I've killed two), might see about getting some very enjoyable books. Of course, there are many books out there, but here are three good ones. They're older, but maybe you can get them through either Amazon, or maybe a "book search."

"The Outdoor Life Bear Book," edited by Chet Fish, pub. 1983, Stackpole Books, Outdoor Life Books.

"Alaska Bear Tales," by Larry Kaniut, 1985, Alaska Northwest Publ. Co.

"Alaskan Hunter," by Roy F. Chandler, 1977, Bacon & Freeman Publishers, Box 411, Deer Lake, Penn, 17961

If you can find them, I'll bet you enjoy them.

Merry Christmas. Good hunting in 2001. L.W.

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