Caribou Gear Tarp

I hate turkeys...


Such a rush before it comes together, and when it does come together, even better.

You’ve got that right! I went out before first light and sat behind a big stack of firewood. I could hear them chirping to each other in the big oak trees nearby but didn’t know which way they’d come down. When it started getting light about 20+ of them flew down right in front of me but landed out of range. Then this big boy landed and stopped 10 yards out. Shot right through the vitals and he flew 70 yards across a creek into the next field. Died where he landed. What a thrill!
Congrats! Nothing like bowhunting!! Turkeys with a bow are tough, I’ve killed 6 like that but 2 almost got away, one flew 120 yards after arrow passed though the vitals and the other one I blood trailed for 300 yards. I mainly hunt them with a shotgun since it’s a low odds proposition and where I usually hunt opportunity is few and far between. Every turkey season I say “I hate turkeys” but for some reason I love them so much that I just can’t keep myself from going back for more!
I've shot a few turkeys with my bow and unless you can decapitate it, they can run a long, long ways with an arrow through them. That makes recovery unlikely and death pretty certain. I switched back to shotgun only for turkey hunting.

Me too. Kill zone was too small for me even before both my shoulders deteriorated.
I've killed one with a bow and been around several others that have been shot with arrows, none died as quick as I would like. I only use a shotgun now.
The two properties I have permission to hunt close to home are right on the edge of town, so the owners prefer bow hunting instead of shotgun.
I have shot 5 turkeys with a bow, never had one go more than 5 ft. All head shots though. They died quicker than any shotgun kill I ever had and didn’t have to ring the neck like was often the case with a shotgun.
I've taken one to two every year for the last 15 years and have never taken a head shot with a bow. Shot gun ya, bow never lol. You can see a couple of those hunts on you tube. PUBLICS EYE OUTDOORS The one called Double Down is older video and not that great with the audio, but you will see the devastation that setup brings.
I've taken one to two every year for the last 15 years and have never taken a head shot with a bow. Shot gun ya, bow never lol. You can see a couple of those hunts on you tube. PUBLICS EYE OUTDOORS The one called Double Down is older video and not that great with the audio, but you will see the devastation that setup brings.

Great shots!
Caribou Gear

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