Caribou Gear Tarp

I chickened out last night.

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
Hunting alone on the edge of a secluded park. I was planning to stay until dark and hike out. At about 6:00, a cow and a calf trotted across the bottom of the park. Then a raghorn bull, I assumed the bull was chasing the cow. They all disappeared. Then another cow showed up also acting spooked. She too trotted across the park and was gone. I thought maybe there was another hunter, then I saw what they were running from. A huge bear sauntered across the bottom of the park nosing the ground, following the route the cow and calf had taken. Just to see what he'd do, I cow called a couple times. He stopped, looked my direction for a moment stuck his head back down and continued following the elk.

It was a very interesting thing to see, but then I started getting nervous. He was just a black bear but one of the biggest I've ever seen. And obviously hungry. I got to thinking, I'm smaller than an elk and much slower. I didn't have a gun, only spray. I thought maybe I didn't want to be out there after dark with a bruiser like that hunting in the area. I talked myself into staying a little while longer and headed in. Lame, I know. Every bear I've ever seen ran like he'll when it saw me, but those were also busy eating grass or berries. I've never seen a bear actively hunting before.
Was it possible one of those elk you first saw was wounded and he was trailing it? Any sign of that?
I'll do ya one better. A few years ago new Mexico changed up the elk archery season for my unit. Elk and bear are on 4 year intervals...but the bear interval lagged behind 1 year. Bear gun season you can use dogs. Archery bear you can't. But this year the bear gun season overlapped elk archery.

We were on Bulls one morning. Close. The guy 75 yards behind me nocked an arrow. Bulls screaming a few hundred yards ahead. He comes walking up and tells me.... I know this isn't a good time but... and shows me the back of his left calf. A right handed shooter stabbed himself with his own arrow in the back of his left calf. Not a clue how. 2" long and 1/2" deep gash. Do what we can to stop the bleeding. He wants to keep going. 10 minutes later after calling a bit we hear scrub oak rustling ahead of us. We're thinking bull. Nope. Big ass color phase Blackie. I'm thinking OK, I got a guy bleeding like a stuck pig. I'm cow and calf calling. Bear is coming after us. Then we hear scrub oak rustling single dog. Head down. Haulin ass. On the bears trail. Clean my shorts and carry on.
I'll do ya one better. A few years ago new Mexico changed up the elk archery season for my unit. Elk and bear are on 4 year intervals...but the bear interval lagged behind 1 year. Bear gun season you can use dogs. Archery bear you can't. But this year the bear gun season overlapped elk archery.

We were on Bulls one morning. Close. The guy 75 yards behind me nocked an arrow. Bulls screaming a few hundred yards ahead. He comes walking up and tells me.... I know this isn't a good time but... and shows me the back of his left calf. A right handed shooter stabbed himself with his own arrow in the back of his left calf. Not a clue how. 2" long and 1/2" deep gash. Do what we can to stop the bleeding. He wants to keep going. 10 minutes later after calling a bit we hear scrub oak rustling ahead of us. We're thinking bull. Nope. Big ass color phase Blackie. I'm thinking OK, I got a guy bleeding like a stuck pig. I'm cow and calf calling. Bear is coming after us. Then we hear scrub oak rustling single dog. Head down. Haulin ass. On the bears trail. Clean my shorts and carry on.

Good thing you've got that fancy shower :cool:
Was it possible one of those elk you first saw was wounded and he was trailing it? Any sign of that?

No, I didn't see anything that would lead me to think that. They all looked fine as they trotted through. The bear did follow the exact route the first cow and her calf took. I assume he made an unsuccessful run at the calf and was they following its scent. That's my guess. I could distract him for a moment with my cow calling, but he was back on the trail quick.
I'll do ya one better. A few years ago new Mexico changed up the elk archery season for my unit. Elk and bear are on 4 year intervals...but the bear interval lagged behind 1 year. Bear gun season you can use dogs. Archery bear you can't. But this year the bear gun season overlapped elk archery.

We were on Bulls one morning. Close. The guy 75 yards behind me nocked an arrow. Bulls screaming a few hundred yards ahead. He comes walking up and tells me.... I know this isn't a good time but... and shows me the back of his left calf. A right handed shooter stabbed himself with his own arrow in the back of his left calf. Not a clue how. 2" long and 1/2" deep gash. Do what we can to stop the bleeding. He wants to keep going. 10 minutes later after calling a bit we hear scrub oak rustling ahead of us. We're thinking bull. Nope. Big ass color phase Blackie. I'm thinking OK, I got a guy bleeding like a stuck pig. I'm cow and calf calling. Bear is coming after us. Then we hear scrub oak rustling single dog. Head down. Haulin ass. On the bears trail. Clean my shorts and carry on.

Yeah, that sounds like an adventure. :)
Lame? No way man. If you are not feeling safe move on. There will be more elk and another day. Nothing wrong with calling it a night early especially solo. The goal of every hunt should be to return home safe. Good luck the rest of the season!
Not lame. It's never best to ignore those feelings.

How far was the bear? Did you have a bear tag? Whas it an open unit for bear? A big black bear with a bow is way better than a rag bull!!!
Read some books about hunting big predators in Africa. Those guys trust those feelings and it keeps them alive. Great story to tell though
No pride in the wild as I say. That's what will kill you.

We bugled in a big boar this past weekend...
No, you didn't chicken out. You used your common sense. Case in point another mauling down by Ennis yesterday, I saw the photos posted on Facebook. He is lucky his partner was there. He got chewed up pretty bad. His bear spray didn't work and the bear knocked his pistol to the ground. On my phone so couldn't copy the link.
On Friday I watched a big blackie who I think was trailing some does up the slope from him. I was hoping he'd come my way, I had an archery bear tag in my to watch him for a bit though.
Theres been some bear sightings in northeast Iowa and southwest Wisconsin. I get real nervous when I hear stuff while out hunting.
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