Hunting Dog


Mar 4, 2007
SE Idaho
A man had a hunting dog for sale for an unusual amount of money. Another man interested in buying the dog asked him why he wanted so much. They took the dog to the woods. The owner told the dog to go hunt. The dog took off into the woods and came back in a couple of minutes and scratched his foot on the ground three times. The hunters went into the woods and killed three rabbits and could not find anymore.

The owner said you could hunt the woods all day and could not find any more than three rabbits. The buyer was impressed and bought the dog.

The new owner took the dog hunting the next weekend and told the dog to go find the rabbits. The dog took off into the woods and stayed gone for almost thirty minutes. When the dog returned he was humping on the man's leg, scratching the ground, and shaking a stick in his mouth. The guy thought the dog went crazy and shot him.

About two weeks later he saw the previous owner and told him what had happened.

The old owner told him that the dog was trying to tell him that there were more f***ing rabbits in the woods than you could shake a stick at.