Yeti GOBOX Collection

hunting deer with hounds


New member
Jul 8, 2003
eagle lake ontario
hey everyone: i'm new to the forum and just wondering how many of you have hunted deer with hounds? I'm from ontario canada and we hunt deer with hounds here for two weeks every year. very exciting if you have never tried it you should think about it. happy hunting.
Here in Utah hunting deer with dogs is illegal. But that didn't stop my buddies black and tans for running down a deer in the snow last year while lion hunting and stretch the damn thing.

So occasionally we do some deer hunting with dogs, but only during the dead of winter when we need camp meat or the lion track goes cold.

Kevin's hounds have been known to move a herd of elk off the Cache unit and over onto the Uintahs...

But bottom line is this... we call it bear hunting, or lion hunting... but we should call it what it really is.. dog hunting!!
yeah our deer dogs have been known to run the odd big assed bear during hunting season but seeing that bear is also open during the dear season its a bonus! boy i'd love to try that pussy cat hunting with hounds. bet there's lots of excitement.
Its illegal here in TN also. But where we use to hunt in South Carolina it was big.

They have dog days set aside during their deer season for the hound hunters.

They also have draw hunts where the state furnishes the hounds and you stand there and reap the rewards.