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hunting clubs


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
alot of you guys out west may not have any idea what im talking about so ill start with a background.

in the southeast and other places for many years guys have gotten together and leased private land (often from paper companies)for hunting. usually they build a lodge. set up permanant stands, put out feeders or food plots (legal of course) run deer dogs, cook meals together and maybe drink a beer or 10 in the evenings.

all of my life i have wanted to join one of these things and yesterday i took the wife and i drove up to south carolina ( about 185 miles from my house) to look at this club.SC deer season opens aug 15 and runs through jan 1st the longest season in the US. you can kill all the bucks you want and they have doe days plus the club gets 40 tags to take more does on non doe days for deer management. any deer you kill while stand hunting is yours to do what you want but during dog drives the meat is split between all hunters involved that day but antlers belong to the shooter. by the way they only drive dogs every other saturday otherwise its still hunting only.

my wife and kids can hunt on my membership and any guest who goes with me pays 15 bucks per day.

what do you guys think about this and have any of you ever been in a club now or in the past.
tnctcb , me and Flipper use to hunt in southern SC. What part are you looking at,We hunted in Hampton county, the city was estill.
It sounds like a great deal. Long season and unlimited opportunity to shoot deer. How many acres is the club you joined? Only negative thing I can think of is I think I may get bored with hunting the same place for almost 5 months in a row. I just like a little variety in my hunting. But I bet it beats the heck out of your other alternatives there. Is there much public land to hunt on in Florida or South Carolina? You mentioned that they use dogs every other Saturday, but otherwise it's still hunting only...I thought you hunted out of tree stands? Just wondering.
meathead im hunting in walterboro its off of I-95 53 miles north of the ga line

washington hunter in this part of the country we call still hunting anything where you try to be still lol stand hunting or just sitting in the back of the truck is considered still hunting.i know most people call still hunting when you slip along and try to find the deer but here that is almost impossible. there is alot of public land here but most of it is very overhunted. where i hunted last season we had 25000 acres and they let 600 people in but we had to buy a special permit and when they were gone they were gone.most of the public land is much more heavilly hunted
Should be some good deer hunting and maybe some hog to.
Is most of the land swamp, forrest or agriculture.
there is some swamp but most of it is pulp wood with some experimental stuff mixed in. i also failed to mention that 1000 acres of it is 6 point or better. meathead i sent you an email did you get it.
Sounds like you will have a good place for the next year

I never have joined a localized hunting club or camp because most of the time you have to be invited to join from what I have learned.
depends on how many members are in the club.

you join one of those clubs that have 50+ members and you may as well be hunting public will have to deal with the same shit, someone kills a buck and then you have ten diff clowns building stands around ya....always someone pissin and crying about something!

your much better off paying more money with just a few friends and having some controll over the area that youll be hunting.

just my thoughts. .; .....hope things work out for ya.
...good luck,JB