Hunting Clothing Rant by the Tall Husky Gentleman


New member
Dec 15, 2015
Omaha, NE
Why is it that the hunting clothing industry hates the tall husky gentleman? I'm 6'4" 310 lbs, I have a long torso and long arms, and I can't find hunting clothing that fits. I've got a physical stature somewhere under my beer belly. I work out, but have always just been a big dude.

I've found companies that is appears the clothing will fit, but without a chance to try on, it'll be hard to tell. I thought First Lite was going to be the ticket until they discontinued their 3XL tops. I gave them my thoughts on this, and they assured me they are thinking about it. Kings looks like it'll work as well, but can't try anything on. I really like UA gear. Their pants only come in a 32" inseam. Predator camo, all reviews say they waste rides low, I don't need my coin slot showing while stalking some mule deer. Sitka big guy sizes never in stock. Kryptek not large enough. Kuiu pants not large enough.

Now admittedly, I'm a gear whor er.........person. I like quality gear that I know will last. I don't mind paying for quality gear. I don't care about pattern, cause in my mind animals have fallen to all sorts of patterns. I do like a head to toe uniform pattern as I bow and rifle hunt.

Basically just needed to rant and get that off my rather large chest. Big guys unite and fight this injustice by the hunting industry.
I am not by any means a big guy at all but I can see why companies dont make their stuff that big. There just isn't all that many people out there that big so why waist the resources on making it if there is far more money in the general size masses buying most of the gear. Its a chitty situation for you big guys for sure. Sometimes i wish i was 6'4" but other times i am glad I am only 5'10".

For the big guys everywhere I do hope somebody like First Lite or other quality brands do start coming up with larger sizes for you guys because there is a niche' market out there so why not get into it?
Maybe just lose some weight? Kind of a win-win in every regard

Thanks. I like how people throw that out like it's just the easiest thing in the world. I work out, I eat fairly well, don't over indulge in things, and I'm still a big dude. For some it is very easy to do. It's never been easy for me. Some people are small and some people are big, it's how it works. Besides loosing lbs would lengthen the inseam on some Kryptek pants.
He is a little Cameron Haines wanna be, flat bill wearer, never mind that garbage talk. If a person has size E feet, need to lose lbs? No. Cush wears flip flops.
Does a gal with DD b's need to lose lbs? NO
Its a great question, sorry I cannot help, maybe mossy oak or scent blocker has those plus sizes for those southern boys? I was going to say Kryptek might too.
There just isn't all that many people out there that big so why waist the resources on making it if there is far more money in the general size masses buying most of the gear.

It's mainly this - having spent a lot of time in the apparel/footwear world, the old standard was a "1/2/2/1" order profile (e.g. an 'average' order would have 1 S, 2 M, 2 L, 1 XL - really multiples thereof). So you manufactured accordingly.

That curve has begun to shift upwards in the US, where Small is seeing less volume and 2XL is seeing more. But still, on either side of that curve, production volume needs to be low to make economies of scale work and not end up with excess that you have to blow out at cost or less (especially for small companies - like the premier manufacturers you've mentioned that are contracting relatively small quantities in the grand scheme of things - through their manufacturing partners).

I hear you, though. My BIL is in the exact same boat and basically has given up on any of the higher-end manufacturers since he just can never find 3X or long inseam pants...I'm personally in the same boat on footwear since I'm between a 12 and 13 with a wide foot, and virtually no one makes a 12.5.
Have you checked out Core4? I'm pretty sure they make a 3xl and they are pretty good quality stuff. Not quite Sitka or Kuiu, but they are priced appropriately and still pretty darn good quality.

They sell on Camofire quite often and I think a few other places. Camofire is actually a great place for the big and small sizes as they tend to have odd sizes available there fairly regular at really good prices.

Occasionally you will see Sitka on there in 3xl sizes and it is 35% - 40% off.
When I asked my rather large friend, who often jokes about his size, where he acquired his cool hunting gear, he replied, "Ain't none of your business ... but it was Omar, the tent maker!" Caution being the better part of valor, I did not inquire further.
I'm 6'4 350ish and finding good clothes can be difficult. I wear a size 16 wide shoe so good hunting boots are even more difficult, I buy my clothes from a company called day one camouflage out of colorado, his stuff is amazing quality, customize it right down to the material and lining. My short legs and long torso make most normal sizes ride around my belly button, with the day one I ask him to add the extra length and it all fits perfectly.
I'm 6'4" 250 and thankfully can find stuff that fits in the store. I jsut have a problem with needing the XXL for the arm length but I'm not big enough in the waste so it looks like I'm swimming in a coat.

I know cabelas / bass pro brands aren't the highest quality of clothing but they usually have a really good size options (up to XXXL) from what I've found. And usually the big stuff is the last to sell and can be found for really cheap at there online bargain cave.
Have you checked out Core4? I'm pretty sure they make a 3xl and they are pretty good quality stuff. Not quite Sitka or Kuiu, but they are priced appropriately and still pretty darn good quality.

They sell on Camofire quite often and I think a few other places. Camofire is actually a great place for the big and small sizes as they tend to have odd sizes available there fairly regular at really good prices.

Occasionally you will see Sitka on there in 3xl sizes and it is 35% - 40% off.

Sitka runs pretty small, I bought a 3xl shirt from them and couldn't get my shoulders in the dang thing. I gave the shirt to my buddy who is in great shape and 6'5 230 and it is fits snug on him
Thanks. I like how people throw that out like it's just the easiest thing in the world. I work out, I eat fairly well, don't over indulge in things, and I'm still a big dude. For some it is very easy to do. It's never been easy for me. Some people are small and some people are big, it's how it works. Besides loosing lbs would lengthen the inseam on some Kryptek pants.

Wasn't trying to be a jerk, but its probably the cheapest, easiest way to try to fix the problem. Not saying its the only way, or that it will for sure work.

(p.s. I don't wear flat bill hats, or care about anything Cameron Hanes does...but oh well)
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Don't forget to look outside of normal "hunting" companies for high quality (and in some cases better) gear. May or may not be camo, but if it's good gear I can easily over look that. If it is camo, I don't give a darn if it matches or not.

As an example, these pants get very good reviews by folks that've used them. They go up to a 46" waist and 36" inseam.
Have you checked out Cabela's stuff? You can get a lot of their clothes in a "tall". Only place I buy my hunting pants. Tall inseam is 34 but some of them you can order hemmed to your preference.
Have you checked out Cabela's stuff? You can get a lot of their clothes in a "tall". Only place I buy my hunting pants. Tall inseam is 34 but some of them you can order hemmed to your preference.

I wear some cabelas stuff now. It's all the cotton stuff. I haven't found the microtex in the correct size yet. If I do, I may try that.

Although I hadn't ever looked at core4 stuff. Their stuff may work.
I'm in the same 'large' boat. I have found First Lite to fit well and run a little loose. My 3X Sitka is a bit tight, but my First Lite 3X fits very nicely. There's a camo company, but the name escapes me now, that sells stuff up to 5X and very tall sizes. Maybe you can google it? What sucks is when you're big like us and you lose 47 pounds and you're still too big :D But, my wife loves me :cool:
I think the problem is the different shape of guys. Not all guys 250lbs have the same body build.

I think if you are a bigger guy in general cloths just sucks. I am 6'2" 255. I struggle with Jeans. I have really big legs so if I get them big enough to go over my legs the waist is typically huge.

I went to buy a suit. They had to go a size up because of my shoulders and chest and then bring everything else in, including the shirt.
I understand your plight. At 6'6" 265 lbs. it can be difficult to find proper fitting clothes. I currently use KUIU gear, and if one of the pieces I order does not fit me quite right I will have it tailored by my coworkers's wife, who was the head seamstress for a collegiate ballroom dance team and sewed for "Dancing With The Stars" for a few years. She is incredible and can make most things fit much better, if not perfect. Yes, everything she fixes for me comes back with several thousand sequins attached, but it fits right so what do I care?

Anyway, if you know someone who can really sew you may be able to make some things fit that would not otherwise work.
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