HUNT WARZ - bad idea or terrible idea?

So, I think we should each buy an entry to up our odds. Then whoever wins takes @Big Fin and just sits around a campfire complaining about the whole premise. Shame the whole lot of them!!

I found out today that I’ve had my commenting privileges revoked on a certain organizations Facebook page for continually commenting with pictures of clowns and clown gifs.

Anyone involved with this douche brigade needs the same level of public shaming.
Please elaborate. 🤡
We need someone to play the devil's advocate. Is there any redeeming quality to this show? I want to spam Leupold's Inbox until they drop this if I'm not missing something.
We need someone to play the devil's advocate. Is there any redeeming quality to this show? I want to spam Leupold's Inbox until they drop this if I'm not missing something.
I don’t think so, our feeing when they were trying to get money out of us at TAC was that the entrance fees were a way to raise money and then just pick their friends or people with the biggest following. I think the application fee was even more for the first season though.
How about they just hike a 14er and then fight each other at the top… way better for everyone.
I just watched a few of their clips on IG and I feel like I need a bleach batch.

Yuck. Just, yuck.
I am going to ask Matt Rinella to be my partner. Our specialty will be mocking the competition and asking people to not buy from the sponsors.
So, I think we should each buy an entry to up our odds. Then whoever wins takes @Big Fin and just sits around a campfire complaining about the whole premise. Shame the whole lot of them!!


Hey bro, at least read the thread before just jumping in a saying something that's (almost, kind of) already been said!

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