NEW SITKA Ambient 75

How old is this guy???

My dad killed 8 1/2 and a 7 1/2 year old whitetail back to back years a few years back, and neither's teeth looked like that. I'd say 9 or maybe even ten.

Really awesome buck.
Its normal to check the lower jaw to age a deer. Tooth wear depends on diet. There is a place in S. Calif. where deer wear out a set of teeth in 4 years because of all the sand they pick up in the little clumps of grass that provides the only feed in the area. If that deer came from W. Oregon where I live I'd age it at 10+ and not expect it too live more than another year or so. I'd guess that your deer is younger than that because the antlers are still good size...better check with a biologist from your local area for an accurate age.

Nice deer, anyway.
need to see the lower law, the top jaw doesn't help much when trying to figured out age. the wear on the premolars and molars is the tell-all.
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