How far is your commute to work?


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
How far do you drive to your job? What was the farthest you had to drive? What was the closest?

The one I start Monday will be a 50 mile drive one way,but looks to be well worth it. So it just made me a little curious:D
I drive a whole mile and a half, Onless they ask me to go to the other job in which they did for monday that is about 16 miles. But threw our copany we get gas milage.
Curently, 5 miles across town but it seems to take forever when the day is done! Closest, about 1.5 miles. Furthest, 30 miles each way. Not too bad I guess. It could definitely be worse.

Good luck Nut on the new job........
Right now... 2.5 one way.

When I lived in WY... 58 miles one way.

I think the closest was about 1 mile when I lived in ID. But once I got to work, it was another mile below the surface :eek:
Twelve miles one way, from the county into that "chithowl" where Bambistew lives!!:( The most wasted time in one's life is the time spend commuting to and from work!!|oo
Good question !! I've driven 100+ miles before but Last year driving got old.... even the 10-15 miles I had to drive and most of it was the freeway It would take sometimes 45 mins.. If there was an Accident sometimes it took 1.5 hours..... 2 hours a day in a car... "F" that. We stated our firm and leased a bldg. about 2 mins from the house. Once, I had to wait for a bus loading kids and it took me 2 mins 30 seconds :)

When my 2nd oldest called me @ 8AM a month ago to tell me Momma moose pulled out one of his Tooth'es's I hopped in the truck, drove home, Told him Congrats and drove back to work. Those moments are Priceless now. I coach soccer and it starts at 5:30. I leave the Office at 5:10, go home, grab a bite to eat, and make it to soccer practice by 5:30. it's awesome :) !!!

That being said If i had to I'd drive 50 MPH if I had to.... but I sure a heck rather not.
Mine is currently 308 miles one way.:D I go for 10-14 days at a time and they come home for 4-5 days. It'll be a lot closer in about a month, but it's still a lot of daily driving. I've driven 1900 miles in 10 days over there before, and that doesn't include the 600+ mile round trip from home. Since I started this job in March, I've spent about $5k on gas.:eek:
I commute all the way across town. In the morning it takes me about 4 to 5 minutes unless there are more then three cars at one of the two taffic lights in town. Going home sometimes takes alot longer as there are several places to get a cool drink along the way.

My daily commute starting Monday will be 50.4 miles door to door. The farthest that I ever traveled to a job site was flying from Scottsbluff, NE to Providnce, RI for a 4 week job. Hopefully I will not have to keep the 50 mile trip too long....maybe go camp out in someone's backyard for a while.:D
Right now, it's about 8 miles one way. I work on an Air Force Base and it takes me about 10 minutes to drive the first 7 miles on the highway, than about a 5-10 minute wait at the front gate and then another 5-10 minutes to go that last mile. They have a 25 mph speed limit on base and the Security Police do not play around. I know people who have gotten tickets from the SP's for going less than 5 mph over.

The closest was about 500 yards (in the Army from the barracks to the hospital where I worked) and the furthest was about 10-12 miles. However, that was in Phoenix, and it took about 45 minutes each way most days. I sure don't miss that.
All my commuting is inside my house. Kitchen to office, bathroom to office, living room to office, bedroom to office. Once in awhile I have to drive somewhere on business, but that's never far and doesn't happen more than once or twice a week.
About 3.5 miles one way. Anywhere from 12-15 minutes by bike depending on the route. 15-20 minutes by vehicle including the walk from the truck to work because free parking is about 8 blocks away.
I go 3 miles to work now. When I worked at North Island and drove the strand every day, it was 64 miles each way.

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