Hornady Superformance GMX?

That looks great for that velocity, Crusoe. My shots on oryx this month were pass-throughs, even through both leg bones, so I have yet to recover one.The E-tips look promising, too, but they don't do a factory load in 150g for 30-06 for some reason.

I guess I'm saying that it looks like the GMX performs similarly to these two bullets but only at maybe 200 fps faster?
I just bought a 6.5 creedmoor and can't get the Gmx to group less than 3". The superformance sst group less than a inch
I just bought a 6.5 creedmoor and can't get the Gmx to group less than 3". The superformance sst group less than a inch

that answers another question I had. was looking at buying a 6.5 creedmoor and shooting that ammo out of it. what was the rifle you purchased?
I just bought a 6.5 creedmoor and can't get the Gmx to group less than 3". The superformance sst group less than a inch

My buddy shot factory Superformance out of a creed and had it hitting the target in three pieces at 50 yards. That junk spun apart. I will never shoot ANY ammo that has SST bullets in it. I don't know how they can sell that crap for anything but plinking. It shoots accurately, but comes apart easily. Not a good hunting bullet in my opinion.

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