Homemade dehydrated meals?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Maybe this should be under the "Recipe" topics, but thought it would get more response over here.

What are your thoughts on creating dehydrated meals for backpacking?

I have a dehydrator, but not sure if a regular ziplock will take boiling water. Has anyone tried this before? I would just as soon make my own instead of paying $6-$7 per meal.
I don't know how mtmiller, but if you find a way to keep them light, and when you add the water the bags hold and the meals fill you up, let me know. It would be a lot cheaper than the $6 or so per meal like you said.
The freezer bags might. One way to dehydrate hamburger is to boil it. Pour the fat off, lay it on a cookie sheet in the oven on the lowest setting with the door slightly cracked. It's an easy way to add some meat to ramen or some such.
Of you have the food saver that will take boiling water and the food will last longer in them. with the saver it is air tight.
Well I tried out the ziplock test. The boiling water seemed to work with no problems.

I don't have a food saver, but do I need to have the food airtight if it is all dehydrated anyway? I will store it in the freezer until I take off, so it will only be out 5 or 6 days max.
if not in a airtight bag after you take it out of the freezer and it will get moisture in it and that is where the mold will come into play.

edited by Nut just to piss Vipe off