Hog Hunting on Saturday


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
I had the chance to go on a "High Fence" hog hunt on Saturday. It was a cheap enough deal, and if you didn't get one, you didn't pay. How can you lose on a deal like that???

It kind of turned out to be a bit of a circus at times, but I think all these "High Fence" canned hunts probably are.

I didn't get a chance to pull a trigger on anything, but I did see two others get whacked. One was about 160# and he folded up with a single shot.

But the other Hog was a huge old boar. I am not a good judge of these things, but the owner of the place said he would go 500#. He was just big and nasty (the pig, not the owner

The goof-ball with me
wanted to use a 9mm on the big boar, but luckily somebody talked him out of it, and the old .22 came out. Hogs are kind of funny, but I am not sure if it is because of the "high fence" or not, but even when hit with the .22, he didn't run. He just took the shots, and grunted, and shook them off, just like a horse getting bit by a horsefly.

Anyhow, out came the Bobcat loader, and scooped up the pigs, and the pack was done. Not really sure how many more "high fence" canned hunts I will go on, but I guess, to each his own....
Hey Gunner,

Was that hunt in Idaho? If so, could you tell me where and also let ne know how i can get some more info. Thanks for your help.

I think the big hog might have liked you. I never met a wild one that wouldn't run at the first sight of a human, let alone one or two shooting 22s.
"The goof-ball with me wanted to use a 9mm on the big boar, "...... I'm Guessing the guy with you was a BIG STUD, and a Guinuine hunter. Probably the envy of most people, but I'm not really sure who you're talking about ..

The hog I'm sure would went 500#. At that particular hunt I hear they sell per hundred weight.

MAybe you can do a Euro mount on the Skull and post a picture ?

I don't know what to think of the big pig's behavior. I just don't think animals now how to react inside a "high fence". And I think a "wild hog" on fenced ranch is a bit of an oxymoron. Just my own personal bias. I probably should have just called this a "hog shoot". And I don't really think it matters if we are in 100 square feet, 100 acres, or 10,000 acres. You are still just shootin... Of course you could be right, maybe that big ol' boar just wanted "to get a little", and he thought the first shots were foreplay....
I'll take your word for it.

WH, I'll see what the deal is on this. I was just kind of called at the last minute. I was kind of busy that morning, raising money for curing cancer, and didn't have much to do with the arrangements.

Hell, the Antelope I have in being done for European mounts are going on 6 years now. I am not sure if I want to wait 6 years for a Pig's ass, or, head...

And the goofball
with me, I kind of question his ability to estimate weights and sizes of animals.
Of course, that probably goes together: "canned hunts" and exagerating the stories....

Oh well, something different, and something to laugh about, over a tall, cold one...
Called in at the Last min ? HUmmm...

Also, I think the Goofball with you knows how to Judge weight, But jsut didn't know you couldn't lead a 500# boar with a lead rope, Thats what happens when He grows up in the city

Speaking of a tall cold one, I'll see you at 4:30 AM in the Morning, I'll need to have a tall cold coke to keep me awake !!! OHHHH.. I need to get going, I hear a strange noise outside... Hope the neighbors can't hear it
OHhhh that was a BAAAAHhhhhhhhhhh~D joke
Elkgunner, say you trap a wild hog outside a high fence, then you release him inside. When does it become an oxymoron?

As long as they are treated wild, they stay wild. I think that "big" hog was raised by some 4H kids and somebody bought and released him for you guys to shoot at. Its the way they're raised and treated, its not the fence.

We've got over a million wild hogs here in this state. Most every high fence place lets you shoot them for free, so they don't tear up the fence. They go through fences a lot and then that makes problems, so high fence wild hogs here are pretty much free to shoot at a lot of places that keep animals wild, now matter how big they are.

Maybe that hog expected you to feed him, if he was treated that way, so that's why he stood there. That place may even want wild hogs there, they just didn't know what they got in that one. Did they say?

Maybe that place wasn't even for hunting hogs, they just wanted your buddy to shoot one of their pigs.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-13-2003 12:48: Message edited by: Tom ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Maybe that place wasn't even for hunting hogs, they just wanted your buddy to shoot one of their pigs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe.. Wait till the sheep story comes out

That is pretty funny that you think that might have been some kid;s 4-H project. I'll have to give ol' Goofball a load of sh!t on that one.

I thought something was kind of funny on the deal, but the guy that I went with has hunted these types of canned hunts in Texas, and he seemed pretty satisfied on Saturday.

I am just glad nobody got hurt. That big ol' boar must have had 3" tusks, maybe bigger. Do you know how they measure/score these hogs for the Trophy books?
Thompson Temple started this record system, Records of Exotics. His web pages are pretty humble, compared to what he has done. There's over 10 volumes of Records of Exotics record books now. He has the score sheets at this web page and under scorers information are some directions. You can rough score your exotic and then decide if you want to get it officially scored. Here's the page.


There's one way to do a hog there, actually two, because you can score with the tusks in or out of the mouth. I think they score higher with them out, 3 inches is big.
Its basically lengths plus base circumference of the bottom two and takes 11 inches to be bronze, 16 for silver, and 21+ for gold.

So, if they're 3 inches, you probably can double that, and get 6. Then the base, say 2 inches, that's 8. Then, two tusks, that's 16 inches, so he might have a silver level hog there by ROE. There's other books too, Trophy Game Records of the World and Safari Club International that score hogs too.

I just never heard of a hog standing there like that, pretty different to me. Sheep will stand there sometimes, as some would rather ram you, than run, but I'm used to hogs running. Maybe he was so big, he didn't think he had to run from anything, if he also didn't know what hunters do.
i didnt know hogs were scored as exotics. i have seen hogs in a high fence and they never acted any different than the ones in the wild. i dont know why he didnt use the 9mm thathas killed 2 hogs at my house and would have been cleaner than a 22.
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