Hey BUZZ how old is this one?

Ten Bears

New member
May 20, 2004
North Idaho
:rolleyes: Hey BUZZ, last season you made the comment that ATV ridining hunters couldn't/wouldn't be able to kill nice or mature bucks. How old do you figure this one is?


I got this one the day before Thanksgiving. He was about 80 yards from the ATV trail.

MOOSIE or MOD, my pictures aren't showing up...????? |oo |oo
Save the lower teeth, that's the standard way to age a whitetail. There's actually a real scientific type lab to mail teeth to, but we have to have batches of 10 or so to make it worth while for that method. Here's the easy, but less scientific way:

Somebody should invent a caller to put on the ATV muffler. It could be better than just plain old load ATV noise. The muffler would do the calling. What do you think TenBears?
If I retire my old 2stroke ATV, and buy one of these newer 4stroke ones, I'm gonna get a silencer pipe for it. I've heard the work great for quieting the bikes down. I wouldn't want a call on the tailpipe, then everyone behind me would be shootin'. :D ;)
Just waiting for BUZZ to tell me how old it is. ;) Man, that thing was heavy MOOSIEman. That's another reason why I like to shoot the little ones. :)
Nice deer, too bad the pictures are so shitty.

If you need help with your photography skills, theres more than enough people on this board that will help you out.

As to the age, hard to tell without looking at the teeth.

I'll be posting some better examples of MT whitetails today sometime that my brother, a buddy of mine, and I all shot last week. They werent shot anywhere near an ATV or an ATV trail and the buck I killed is a grandpa....over 8 for sure. Oh, and the pictures are much better than the crap you just posted.

Why would anyone shoot such a nice animal and post absolute crap photos like that?
BUZZ, and your comments mean my buck is less because why? The photo quality has to due with the low 1.3 MP resolution of the camera and the rain it was taken in. You really are pathetic. I'm not the one claiming that ATV riding hunters aren't capable of killing mature bucks, nor am I the one claiming that all deer and elk flee a 1/4 mile from all motorized traffic. You guys killed bucks away from ATVs and ATV trails, great, but aren't you one of the guys claiming that ATVs are everywhere and ruining all hunts everywhere? I wll ask you now the refer to the topic in Sportsmans Issues and answer the same questions I put to IT. :rolleyes:
Ten beers,

It isnt the camera that sucks, its the degrading way you portray hunting and the animals you harvest that suck. Take a look at those crappy photos, come on, show a little class.

If you think you'll kill mature animals from the seat of an ATV on a consistant basis, you're wrong...in particular elk and mule deer...and even whitetail. Old bucks do make mistakes once in a while, but not often. To hunt them you need to leave the atv in the garage and buy some good boot leather. Didnt you smoke a spike bull this year? How many 7-8 year old six points bulls did you pass on so you could shoot your spike from the seat of the ATV?

Theres more than enough evidence on this board alone on what group of hunters kill the most mature animals...they arent fat slobs riding atv's...thats a fact.

Personally, I dont care if you hunt from the seat of an ATV, good for you. I just dont support it...and in fact will continue to see ATV use restricted and banned more and more. I'm getting my way, and thats all I really care about.
I see, according to you BUZZ, I should give up the quality of good eating game meat (young animals) for the collection of quantities of useless bone material.... :rolleyes: You see my freind (and I use that term VERY loosely) I don't share your need for mental compensatory actions. I am secure in my ability to be a man and a hunter, and see no need to lord my exploits over others. You questioned my hunting ability, and I have proven you wrong. Winning????? Whinning, maybe, but winning, please......
Ten beers,

Please try to comprehend, I never said you should sacrifice killing spike bulls, small bucks or whatever you want. Thats the neat thing about hunting, each person can choose what animal they want. I shot 2 doe antelope, a mule deer doe, and a whitetail doe this year...all good quality table fare. I also killed a young 4 point bull in MT that is also good table fare. That was my choice.

Our disagreement is over the use of ATV's in hunting, not what animal you select.

You didnt prove anything to me. The reason is because I couldnt care less what YOU personally do. However, that said, I'll continue to write comments in favor of banning ATV's for hunting and limiting their use in more and more areas. Thats the reality of whats happening, and the science as well as society as a whole, is sick and tired of being sick and tired of ATV's and the slobs who ride them. Time to face reality, ATV use is being restricted more and more all the time...and theres a reason why.

Yes, I am winning this fight and all indications are pointing to continued success of the people who dont want ATV's ripping through their hunting areas and wildlife habitat. Sorry, but thats the way the cookie crumbles...
hey ten have buzz score that buck using the same tape measure he scores his antelope with and it will make boone
Ten, "Show where my use of ATVs has been offensive." I'm sure it was offensive to all the hunters who were hunting on foot when they heard you drive by. There's not much that's not more offensive than hearing ATVs roar around when you're trying to hunt.

That's why real hunters hate the fatassed ATV road hunters so much. They spoil the hunting for everyone else.
280- Which antelope score are you speaking of...I remember seeing quite a few antelope in his pictures posted on this board. If you are trying to say he fudged inches to make the buck his wife shot sound bigger, I wouldn't. One of his best friends is an official Pope and Young scorer in Montana. If anything he tends to be a little conservative in how he scores. The scores may be off by a little but I would take a bet against you any day when it comes to the scores he registers. I believe there are others on this board that could also vouch for his honesty....
IT, so is the sound of traffic when you hunt to close to the highway, but you gotta learn to move off the shoulder. :)
I have a freind that scores for B&C, and he said that it wont score well because of the broken tine and it isn't well matched, but that it was a nice buck anyways. :)

IT, I'm sure the sound of crickets is offensive to those that choose to be offended by such things. :rolleyes:

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